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The Rotten Romans

13 Sep 2024

Hello and welcome back to school; we're all back and running into the school routine and it's been so nice to get to know the new class 4! We're full of enthusiasm and have been raring to go, which is just as well, as we've lots to do. 

Now that I've managed to remember the login in details for the website, I can post about all the fun we've been up to .


Here we are practising our place value knowledge by placing numbers onto number lines to estimate and make informed decisions about rounding. 

We've started our Romans topic and will be looking at the impact the invasion had on preroman Britain. As always, we recap previous history topics and this talented year 6 is creating her own time line from scratch (taking in scale) to place previous topics and eras studied on.

We've been finding out about what life was like in Preroman Britain and just who Julius Caesar is and why he wanted to conquer Britain. 

We wanted to know how the Romans managed to expand to such a sizable empire and looked at the way the Romans organised their army, carried out battle formations and approached invasions. The children really enjoyed reinacting scenes where some were tasked to be Celts, whereby they charged at the enemy in a chaotic way and focused on making themselves scary with woad and lime. Some of us naturally looked very frightening so with a little blue face paint, it wasn't too hard to achieve the desired look



 We compared their battle armour and general approach to battle 


Then grabbing anything that remotely resembled a sword, spear or shield, we practiced arranging ourselves into scenes to showcase a battle with the highly-organised Romans vs the chaotic Celts. We had a great time and are very much enjoying the topic 



Next week, we're going to Murton Park so please be sure to sign those consent forms and be in school promptly on the Friday morning. We are likely to arrive back at school slightly later than the  normal end of school day but we will keep you posted with an ETA - do get in touch if there are any issues. 

Have a lovely weekend 
Mr Breckon 



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