
We would like to welcome you to Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School and to introduce you to FROGS (Friends of Grewelthorpe School). All parents of children at the school are members of FROGS, which exists to support and advance the education of all the pupils.

The FROGS charitable account is separate to school funds and supports the school in providing life-enriching experiences to the children, which may not otherwise be covered by the primary school budget. Many extra-curricular opportunities have been part funded by the FROGS charitable account, including transport to and from regular activities such as swimming, sports events, theatre/music trips, school outings and enrichment weeks.

FROGS have also funded new equipment and resources for the school, such as new laptops and ipads, and a shed for the weekly forest school sessions. Additionally, FROGS have been fundraising tirelessly over the last few years to raise additional funds to build a new classroom to accommodate Class 4 within the main school building, whilst also opening up the possibility of a separate library and quiet study/intervention area that can be used by all pupils and staff alike. We have raised a substantial amount to go towards the build costs already, but have some way to go, and this continues to be one of fundraising priorities.

What can a parent do? Some members come regularly to meetings and come up with great fundraising ideas, others offer help for functions, or bake cakes and biscuits to sell. Others help through sourcing and applying for grants or by identifying match funding. Others may not have so much time to offer but make donations to appeals for raffle and tombola prizes, and attend & support FROGS events. If every parent contributes to FROGS in their own way, we can really make a big difference. All help is gratefully received and it is through this team effort that we have achieved amazing results, which greatly enhance every child’s experience at school.

Where can I get more information? 1. Facebook - There is a Facebook Page called “FROGS fundraising” which you can join. News of all upcoming events and meeting are posted on this page, so it is a useful way of keeping up-to-date with future plans and events. 2. The school website – There is a “Parent’s Association News and Events” page on the school website, under the “Parents” tab at the top of the page. This contains all of the emails and letters sent out about upcoming FROGs news & events. 3. Your email inbox – Announcements about upcoming meetings and events will also be made via email, which will be sent from the school office to all parents on the school email list. FROGS – Friends of Grewelthorpe School 4. Chat to us in the playground!

Hannah Kitching is currently FROGs chair, with Claire Hallam as secretary and Rachel Bain as treasurer. They are all very approachable and are always happy to discuss any fundraising ideas you may have, or field any other general queries you may have related to the charity whilst in the school playground! We hope your child(ren) settle in well to this fantastic school and we look forward to getting to know you and your family. Being an active member of FROGS is a great way to get really involved with your child’s school and make a difference.

Best wishes, Hannah Kitching, Claire Hallam, & Rachel Bain Trustees of the FROGS Charitable Trust 

Cross Hills
Ripon, North Yorkshire
Great Britain
01765 658 287
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