leaver's events and digestive system
07 Jul 2023
I can't believe that we're now in the last few weeks of this academic year and the year sixes have been taking part in several activities to prepare them for the move to secondary school.
Both Nidderdale and Outwood have had their transition days this week. As well as this, Ripon Cathedral invited year 6 to a special event to hold a service of thanks and hope for their future education which is always a lovely service to be part of.
Here are some of the year 6 (who weren't on their transition day) at the service.
They have also started to sign leavers books and reflect on their experience of primary school.
However, we're not done yet! There's still plenty we've to do before we finish, one of which is to learn all about the human body and this week that meant looking at the digestive system. We could have just looked at some pictures and labelled a few body parts but that's not as memorable as making a model digestive system and going through the process of intake to output and everything in between.
We used a pair of tights to simulate the intestines and mushed a banana and some biscuits together into a solution of orange (stomach acid) and passed it through a pair of tights. We watched how the liquid passed through them, representing the nutrients our body takes from the food we eat. We squeezed it tightly to continue extracting those much-needed nutrients before depositing the left over waste into a nearby tub.
There were a mixture of emotions during this science lesson I think it's safe to say but we certainly knew all about why a healthy and balanced diet is required and just how the human body goes about getting those nutrients.
Have a nice weekend and see you all next week
Mr Breckon