Grewelthorpe pizzeria
31 Mar 2023
This week has seen us taking on our DT food unit, exploring what it means to have a balanced diet. We looked at what nutrients are found in different foods. Using pizzas as our inspiration, we researched what food groups are found in different pizzas
We then looked at a seleciton of foods and began to design a pizza which had all elements of food groups within it.
Then came the really fun part, making the dough and preparing the pizzas.
And then finally we cooked them and ate them, yum, yum, but did they share any with you?
Finally, have a restful and egg-citing Easter break. And beware of any April Fools day pranks tomorrow. Class 4 spent a lot of time searching for the words on this simple word search today... infact, none of them managed to complete it. Can't think why...