Frogs falling from the sky
11 Nov 2022
This week we've started looking at a book called Tuesday. There are very little words to it but it's full of strange events. It's all about a very unusual Tuesday where a town was besieged by frogs floating on lilypads. We looked at some of the characters from the book and imagined the scene, looked at the potential characterisation we could create and have started writing diary recounts about the phenomenon based on differing perspectives.
We'll continue with this into next week where we'll be writing newspaper reports.
In maths we've been working on our factor and multiple recall and applying it to identify prime numbers and testing our division. Here we are testing ourselves against the clock to sort the prime numbers out whilst year 6 tried to identify all 25 prime numbers below 100!
On Wednesday, Ripon Grammar visited us once again to test the strength of light and look at material properities.