Mystery stories and Boudicca
13 Oct 2022
As it's getting closer to Halloween, we have been drafting some mystery stories up. First we began by reading some and identifying the elements which made them effective. We quickly picked up on the similarities and noticed that each of them had detailed setting descriptions. So with that, we worked on unpicking these settings and worked on applying rich language to describe them.
We also watched a spooky setting of Whitby Abbey after dark and applied this language to create descriptive sentences about it and enjoyed sharing them.
Meanwhile, in history, we've been studying the life of Boudicca and the reasons behind the revolt she lead against the Romans back in 60AD. We researched facts about her and learnt about her disagreements with the Romans. We then focused on key moments in her life, and tried to put ourselves as characters, considering the feelings both parties might have been. We made freeze frames depicting scenes from Boudicca's life and used thought tracking to reveal the characters' feelings.
Have a great weekend
Mr Breckon