RGS science visits
01 Apr 2022
Well, what can we say about this week; it's been, um, eventful! We were of course visited by Ofsted, who wanted to have a look at how we do things and find out just why Grewelthorpe School is such an amazing place to be! The children were determined to ensure that they went away with such love of our school that we have and were amazing! So proud of class 4; you represented our school and its values with pride. Well done everybody.
We spent the early part of the week honing in on our angles knowledge. Year 5 used computers to perfect measuring with angles and manipulating the protractor to gain precise measurements whereas year 6 focused on the full 360 degree measurements and used programming software to plot shapes.
We're in the middle of testing a range of materials, and here we are testing the conductivity of materials. We wondered whether the length, thickness or size of the object would make a difference in its ability to conduct electricity. We decided we'd measure the strength of the bulb brightness but found that there wasn't a lot of difference between them.
On Thursday, after 3 weeks of waiting, we finally got to go to the RGS to use their science labs and take part in every year 6's dream... to light a bunsen burner! It did not disappoint.
We were testing how materials can change state through evaporation and through filtering
And today, being April Fools' Day. I couldn't let it be uneventful, after 6 months of t̶o̶r̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶ undiluted joy with class 4, I thought it was my chance to have some fun. They were tasked with completing a simple maze in under a minute in order to receive a chocolate. After the prep talk and all raring to go with concentration spread across their faces, they began. However, what they didn't realise was the maze was impossible therefore nobody won it and I was able to keep the chocolates all for myself! :-)
Well, for about 30 seconds anyway.
Have a nice weekend.