11 Feb 2022
We've been spending a large percentage of our maths this week learning about, well, percentages!
We've been embedding that percentages mean one in one hundred and finding 10% of amounts and how to use that to find other amounts.
We've finished our unit of French weather conversations. It's been a real learning curve for us all, but we all agreed on just how much our confidence has come on in using basic French conversation. We ended the unit by translating some really tricky passages, including words and phrases we haven't experienced. We were amazed that we were actually translating french and how accurate we could be.
How much of this could you translate?
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Pierre. J’ai dix ans et j’habite à Paris. Aujourd’hui il fait mauvais temps. Il neige et il fait froid. Il fait moins deux degrés! Je vais bien aujourd’hui parce que je ne vais pas à l’école.J’aime jouer dans la neige!
And in our theme lessons, we spent some time learning all about earthquakes. We looked at how richter scales measure their severity. We learnt about the tectonic plates and how they're shifting movements trigger earthquakes and are responsible for creating mountains. To embed this further, we made tectonic plates from salt dough and pushed the together to create areas which rose above the other, thus being our mountains. We then painted them at the end too.
What we did notice was just how volcanic eruptions and earthquakes most occured in the same areas and agreed that those were the fault lines of the Earth's tectonic plates and that's why earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur there.
And finally, we had a go at vaulting today. I'm sure you'll have heard the most memorable moment was my impressive, award-winning vault (for all the wrong reasons). We'll be doing gymnastics again next Friday, so as demonstrated by me, p.e kits will be essential
Happy weekend - I've got some shopping to do!