Welcome back Class 4
12 Sep 2021
Welcome back
It's been fantastic to spend the week with our new class 4. We've been busy familiarising ourselves with the new classroom layout and getting to know one another.
We know team work is an important skill in supporting each other and creating a happy environment so we began the term by taking part in teamwork activties, where we made sure we listened to our groups opinions, tried different strategies and supported our team in order to complete the task.
We also know how important it is to make sure everybody feels valued and appreciated so we spent our first PHSCE lesson talking about this. We all made a birthday card to, which we can give to eachother when it's our birthday, as a way of remembering this.
To end the week, we started talking about our new history topic, The Tudors. We have studied many things in our time at school and so we always begin a new history topic by focusong on time lines, considering where our topic fits in within other areas we've learnt about.
The children were given cards of previous topics and tasked with placing them along a time line, with consideration of the spacing they'd use to show the passing of time between events.
I'm very much looking forward to spending the year with you all and can't wait to see our learning grow.