First week back
A.Breckon - 20 Sep 2020
Welcome back class 4
We've just completed our first week back and it's nice to have back some normality and see everyone after such a long time! Everyone has settled in wonderfully and already working hard.
We've dived straight into our history topic, the Romans, this week and already had one visit us .
First we began, as we always do, by thinking about where in the world and British time line did this event happen so the children had to think carefully about everything they've studied in the past to order the events and consider where within that the Romans fitted in. Well done this pair who used a very strategic method to space their events out according to the time difference.
Once we knew where the Romans fitted in, we then started to ask our ourselves 'how do we know the Romans even existed in the first place?'. We discussed that it's only through the evidence that we discover left behind from those times that allows us to build up a picture of what it may have been like. We also realised that evidence doesn't often come in perfectly preserved artefacts and that historians often have to really consider what these finds are and work out their purpose.
With this in mind, we looked at some replica artefacts borrowed from Jorvik museum in York, which are all based on British finds. We worked in pairs to study their shape, material and any designs to work out their purpose.
All this talk about Romans must have got out as before we knew it, we had a special visitor... Romulus, and he wanted to inform us further about his experiences as a Roman and even showed us his army kit - I think this young man had a lucky escape with this sword, especially after confessing he preferred the Celts!
It's been a super first week back to school and I can't wait to see what each week brings. Enjoy the weekend and I'll look forward to seeing you all bright and early (8:50) on Monday morning.