Class 4 - Tuesday 14th July
13 Jul 2020
Good Morning to the 'new' Class 4!
Morning all! I hope you had a good day yesterday?
It's Mrs Barker with you again today, and for the rest of the week.
We are carrying on with our transition week today, and so the activities on here are aimed at the current Year 4 and 5 children. During the week, I will be putting on a range of tasks that will help you reflect on this year and think about the year to come.
Here are today's activities...
Every child is unique and special. Over the course of the last year, you have achieved so much. Whether that’s learning your times tables, developing your running skills or having the confidence to put your hand up in class and offer an answer.
An achievement is something that has been accomplished through great effort, skill, perseverance or courage. I'd like you to mind map all of your achievements this year, both in school and outside of school. Can you identify your greatest achievement? I'd like you to write about this special achievement. How did you accomplish this? What barriers did you face? Who helped you?
I would like you to record this as a story featuring yourself as the main character, or as a newspaper report or even write a rap! It's entirely up to you!
Just for fun...
Make an origami frog! You will need a piece of paper which is 15cm by 15cm, green if possible!
Follow the link below for the instructions.
Here is another set of instructions which you may prefer to follow.
I would like you to find some random objects around your house or school to try and make a 3D model or a portrait of yourself. You could use natural objects from outside if you prefer.
Starting a new academic year is a time for you to say farewell to current teachers and classmates and hello to many new faces. It is important for you to cherish your favourite memories from last year. I would like you to create a drawing or art piece of your special memory and frame it in a hand-made photo frame. You may choose to draw a favourite lesson, a funny moment with friends, a school trip, your favourite teacher or a job role you were proud of. If you click on the link below, you will find lots of ideas for how to make a photo frame. Take your time with this task so that you can produce a wonderful piece of work.
Reading is really important to me, and hopefully to you too! Therefore, I would still like you to read for 30 minutes a day.
PE is also really important to me, and so it would be great if you could choose a PE activity to do each day. This link has a range of different options for you:
If you would like to do a music activity, then Mrs Watkinson has a huge range of lessons available at the below link.
Have a great day.
Mrs Barker