Monday 4th May
03 May 2020
Good morning class 4 
Happy Star Wars day - May the 4th be with you! (You'd really need to have watched Star Wars to get that)

Time table
Art and crafts
Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor
We're going to look at subtraction this morning. But we're jumping straight to reasoning. We'll work on the same sheet today and tomorrow. What is __ - 5 = 8. What number must you have had before you took 5 away from it? How could you find out.
Sometimes I've seen people put the answer as 3.
Can it be 3? Could 3 - 5 really make 8?
I'd think, I've got 8 left. 5 was taken away from the original number, so If I add 5 back on, I'd have 13.
Group one:
I've uploaded a video of me demonstrating the steps below. Please watch it and then try page 19. I've done Q19 and 20 for you on the video so please complete up until Q30.
Group two - you can probably start straight off on your missing digits sheet, 19. Please do the first ten and then check them with a calculator to mark.
Have you heard of a Kenning poem before? They've been around a long time. They are a style of poem using figurative language created during the Anglo-Saxon times.
It's where they used two words, the last one always being a verb to refer to something, a bit like a riddle. If I said 'Milk lover' what do you I think I could be referring to?
There's lots of things that love milk I suppose, so perhaps I'll have to give you more clues.
Milk lover
noise maker
loud crier
light sleeper
hair puller
What do you think I could be describing?
The answer is a baby. I wonder what else I could have used to describe babies. What else do they do a lot of?
Also, did you notice each line ended in a verb ending in 'er'
Today we're going to read some Kenning poems and see if you can work out what 'noun' they are describing.

Download this document and read each line from the Kenning. Consider what you think it might be referring to and then check that each line from that Kenning works for your idea.
Get a pencil and paper and write down your answers so you don't forget.
(answers are at the very bottom of this page so check afterwards and see how you got on)
Pick 5 words which you don't already know from this downloadable list and write them on the same sheet as last week's. Use this as an opportunity to write neatly
-spelling list - statutory words-V294658938.pdf-
Read for at least 30 minutes today, or log onto any of the online audio websites I've put up in the past (see previous daily posts)
Also - we'll be delivering packs this week and you must let me know what reading book you'd like from the list on Friday's page by tomorrow if you want one.
Art and crafts
We should have been studying about the solar system this term and one thing we were going to do was make our own solar system out of papiermache. Your afternoon task, if you can, for today and tomorrow is to make one.
I've attached some instructions and where it says glue, remember we know lots of other ways to make glue if needed to. Which planet will you make? Once it's set, you could paint it and add those unique details which will help us identify it.
answers to Kenning riddles
Kenning: 1) sword, 2) squirrel, 3) penguin, 4) fox, 5) tiger, 6) the sun, 7) A river 8) Teacher
How did you get on? Perhaps see if your parents did better?