Friday 1st May
29 Apr 2020
Good morning class 4
'White rabbits'
Apparently it's good luck to say 'White rabbit's' on the first day of each month before midday.
In this Slideshow are some of the things you've all been up to - it's great to see how you're all keeping busy. Well done to Meghan on making the tallest sky scraper - prize is coming! Also there's a cute little puppy in there, which lucky class member will be the owner of it I wonder?
Time table
Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor
We're going to be using a new website with our maths home learning shortly. It's called 'My maths' and it teaches lessons online with some activities after. We've made you all log ins and today I just want us to log in, get used to it and check it all works and play some of the 'free time' games.
Step 1
So click on this picture below and it will take you to the my maths homepage
This is a general username and password to access the school's account so this part is the same for everyone. Type 'grewel' as the username and the password is 'algebra'
Step 2
Once you're logged in on the school account, you then need to find the 'My student portal login' button and that will take you to your own personal account. So click that and find your username and password from the picture below and type it in.
(usernames are the numbers and passwords are the letters)
Now you're on your own account. Here you will be able to see work and lessons I've left for you to do but for today just find the tab which says games (see picture below) and just try them. I'd like you to spend at least 30 minutes trying them out.
Please let me know if you've had problems logging in.
Firstly please ask a parent to test you on the spellings.
Then I'd like you to look at page 13. It's just a simple word sort. Do you know what nouns, verbs, adverbs and nouns are? Adverbs tell you how the verb was done. e.g carefully, angrily or aloud.
You need to read the sentence and put each word from the sentence into one of those 4 boxes below. Most words fit. The only ones which don't are the prepositions, like 'Over, along, on top of and in' the rest should all fit in.
As we'll be sending some extra work packs out next week, it's a chance for you to swap books. Please, if you've finished with the ones you took from school several weeks ago, leave them out on the day your pack is due and they'll be collected and if you'd like to have any of these then email me and I'll make sure they get to you.
It is really, really important that we keep up with our reading. We learn so much from it; it expands our vocabulary, develops our creativity, teaches us new ideas and helps us to relax so if you haven't got a book at home which you're enjoying try one of these.
Reading plus
Please do one reading plus or two if below 80%
Afternoon activity and weekend challenge
How are your bug hotels coming on? I bet you have had guests coming and going. It's great you're all so environmentally conscious. Another great way to help little creatures is by providing a small pond in the garden. Lots of insects start off their life as larva in water and without still water locations such as ponds and lakes, they can't complete the journey into adulthood where they emerge as insects which support all kinds of mammal life. Why not make a small pond in your garden? Check with your parents if they have any old tubs, washing up bowls etc and set on up.
This website explains how to make one and what materials to include.
Finally something random but something I thought was funny. A girl who's finding lockdown has given her too much time on her hands has made an art museum for her guinea pig and turned famous human paintings into guinea pig ones and then let her pet guinea pig enjoy a tour around.
Enjoy the slides.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to email me your book choices
Mr Breckon