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Welcome back - 20th April

19 Apr 2020

Good morning class 4 laugh
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter, filled with chocolate; I certainly did cheeky. We’ve been lucky with the weather and It’s been lovely to see so many of things you’ve been up to!
Here are some of the pictures of your egg-box creations you made over the holidays.


I'm going to make a geography quiz later in the week so if you have drawn a landmark, please email it in so I can include it.

Time table




reading plus


Weekly challenge

P.E - I know some of you have been enjoying the Joe Wicks workouts and so you can continue with that if you like.

But if you'd like to try some different p.e challenges then you can try 'Real PE' challanges. If you click on the picture below it will take you to the website.
The username to login is:
The password is: grewelthor

Once you've clicked it and logged in, click the 'Key stage 2' option and then you'll see a list of days with 4 different activities in. It's up to you which one you try as they're supposed to be an hour, but I'd suggest doing just one of the challenges. Today, please look down lesson one and pick 'Personal best, balloon challenge' 

(Click the picture below to take you to the login page) 



What is 4 + 7?

Hopefully you get 11.


What about if I said what is 4 + 7 x 3. What did you get?

If you got 33 there’s chance you have forgotten something.

Type it into a calculator. What does that say the answer is?


When I type it into a calculator, I get 25. Why is that?

It’s actually because the calculator knows the orders of operations. What we call ‘Bodmas’


Can you remember what each letter of Bodmas stands for?


B – brackets

O – orders (squared numbers)

D – Division

M – multiplication

A – Addition

S – subtraction


Bodmas helps us to remember the order we should do calculations when there is more than one in a question.

Please note that division and multiplication are equal so if they both appear in a question then you’d just do them in the order they’re in. That’s the same for addition and subtraction.


Let’s learn:

When you have a number sentence such as 4 + 7 then there’s only one thing to do but if you have 4 + 7 x 3 then there are two instructions there and multiplication is higher in bodmas so it will always do that bit first.

So 4 + 7 x 3. Multiplication is most important so 7 x 3 = 21.

Then we have 4 to add to it. 4 + 21 = 25.


Let’s have a go together.

What’s 12 – 5 x 2?

Thinkwhich calculation you’d do first in Bodmas.

You’d do the multiplication first so 5 x 2 = 10

And then 12 – 10 = 2. Did you get 2?

Once you’ve solved a calculations always go back to the beginning e.g 5 x 2 = 10. Don’t then try and do 10 – 12 because the question’s saying 12 – whatever 5 x 2 is.


How about 9 – 6 ÷ 3.

Think which calculation you’d do first in Bodmas.

You’d do the division first so 6 ÷ 3 = 2

And then 9 – 2 = 7


What if I made it a little harder…

Try this 6 + 8 ÷ 2 + 3 =

What calculation would you do first?

Division is most important so 8 ÷ 2 = 4.

6 + 4 is 10 and then +3 is 13.


Let’s use that same number sentence but this time I’m going to put brackets in. This should change things.

What’s (6 + 8) ÷ 2 + 3 =

Now what’s the most important thing?

B = brackets in Bodmas and that’s the very first letter so I need to do whatever is in brackets first.

6 + 8 = 14.

Now the division is next most important so 14 ÷ 2 = 7

And finally I can add that 3 on. I get 10.

Task  - Please find page 11 in your maths taskbook. You can mark them by typing them into a calculator. Some calculators aren't high-tech enough to have Bodmas so bear that in mind.

Group 1 - Complete column A or B.

Group 2 - Complete column C - this is much harder because you really have to think about the order you're going to do each part in. For number 9 onwards, you may or may not need to add brackets in. I'd check what you get first by doing the question as it is and then thinking where the brackets will need to go in order to get the answer.


Today we're going to have a look at some tongue twister poems. Do you know what a tongue twister is? It's when you have to say aloud a lot of words which all sound similar. It's hard for your brain to process them when they're so close together and they're often hard to say, especially when you're performing them in a poem.

Here's an example. Read it first in your head. Then try aloud. Then can you do it at speed aloud.
I bet your parents or siblings might struggle. I do!

She Sells Sea-Shells

She sells sea-shells on the sea shore;

The shells that she sells are sea-shells I’m sure.

So if she sells sea-shells on the sea shore,

I’m sure that the shells are sea-shore shells.

Did you find that challenge difficult? Do you keep saying shells instead of sells like me?angry
The more you read, the more you programme your brain to pronounce the words correctly.

Download these poems and try to do the same with them. Try them all, read them all aloud to an adult or sibling. Ask them to try too. Who's the best at reading them?
Download > > >  -poems.docx-    (you don't need to print but can do)
Which one did you like best?

Tomorrow we're going to have a go at writing some of our own tongue twisters.

Please do one reading plus, or two if the first was below 80%


Mrs Hickingbotham has discovered a new musical website and wants us to try to become familiar with it. It's called Charanga. Please click this link
If you look along the left hand side, you'll see a button for pupil and teacher login. Click it. The middle box is for student logins and your logins are the same as for purplemash except they have a 1 after it. Passwords are the same as your purple mash account too.
Here's what she'd like you to do on Charanga today.

Log into Charanga Yumu. Click on Assignments then Lvin’ on a prayer – Step 1

On the right hand side you will see 4 activities that you will be doing each day this week. Today click on the first activity ‘Listen and Appraise – Livin On A Prayer’

Do you like the song? What can you hear? What is the style of the music?  Does it sound like anything else you have listened to? How is the song put together – does it have an Intro, Chorus, Verses, vocal or instrumental solos etc?

Click on ‘About the song’ to find out more the group Bon Jovi.

Weekly challenge activity

Now that the weather is getting warmer, lots of insects will be emerging from their winter hide outs. Insects are essential for everything! They're at the bottom of the food chain and larger animals rely on them such as birds, hedgehogs, frogs, bats and many more! Your task is to make a bug hotel. Somewhere compact (tight) with lots of little spaces for insects to hide within to escape the sun. If you leave it within a hedge or on a fence, you'll be surprised how quickly residents will move in. You'll also be doing your bit to support wildlife in your area.
Click on this link for full instructions






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