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Friday 3rd April

02 Apr 2020

Good morning class 4 – It's Friyay laugh - another week done and the Easter holidays begin...

Dizzy's dogs seem to have taken the lockdown in their stride and have truly kicked back and hogged the sofa - the poor humans will have to sit on the floor!

Time table

P.e – 9am start




P.E – Joe Wicks’ p.e class


Somehow we've dropped back today on TTrockstars compeition - look at the scores - class 3 are in the lead. Please rock like you've never rocked before and get those points up - competition closes today at 3:30. 
P-S Rhys, Michael and Harvey, thank you - you're our top scoring rockers so far!



Today we’re moving onto reflection. Reflection will require you to understand coordinates in order to plot the shapes and then work out where the shape will be after it has been reflected. When you look  in the mirror what do you see? Your exact image, just the opposite way around. Nothing has altered in size or rearranged itself – it’s the same except in a different place.

Today we're going to plot shapes after they've been reflected.

Do you remember when we used the below picture in class recently? The mirror line is that hazy blue line down the middle; if I held a mirror along there, could you imagine where this yellow shape’s reflection would be? Have a go with your fingers by tapping the squares you think they'd appear on when reflected.

Notice that each coloured block is reflected exactly the same amount of squares away from the mirror line. Take for example the pink block, it’s four full squares away from the mirror line and it’s reflection is four full squares from the mirror line. 


Using this web link below, have a go at making some shapes and then predict where the reflection would go. In case you’ve forgotten, look at this picture  ; that’s what you need to click to make the reflection appear. Once you’ve plotted where you think the reflection will be, click it and if nothing appears to happen, that’ll be because you’ve got it right. You'll know if your reflection placing was wrong because you'll see other squares show up which is where the correct position is.

Try a few. If you’re confident, click the mirror button and change the position of the mirror line.

(don’t forget if your mirror is diagonal, then you’ll need to count the squares diagonally to the mirror line – this is a lot harder than just horizontal and vertical)

Now we're going to have a go at reflecting some shape questions. See the blue dotted line? That's my mirror line. So where will point 'C' be after it's reflected. Can you see it's two squares away from the mirror line? Guess how many squares it will be on the other side?


Yep you guessed it. It's two squares away. Everything's the same, remember. Two squares away one side so it'll be two squares away on the other side. What could the new co-ordinates of C be now it's been reflected? (9,6) 
Can you work out what the new co-ordinates of D would be before looking at the next picture? You'll have to count the squares from the mirror line and then the same amount on the other side to do it....

 D's new reflected co-ordinate would be (12,4). If I was going to reflect the whole shape and draw it, I'd just do the same with each corner and then (using a ruler!) I'd join them together. See my steps below.


 That's what I'd like us to do today, please find in your packs - group one it's page 9 and group two it's page 10. You'll need these quadrant grids to do it (or draw your own - again cheeky
Group one do column B - you can then try C if you like but diagonal reflections are much harder (you need to count the diagonal squares from the mirror line)
Group two - please do column B too

  -Single quadrant grids-V292013578.pdf-  


Do you know who this lady is? Ask your parents if they know.


You may have heard in the news that they are building temporary hopsitals to deal with the Corona virus. All of these hospitals are being called 'Nightingale' hospitals. They didn't randomly choose that name; it's named after the lady in the picture above. Her name was Florence Nightingale. 
Looking at that picture when do you think she was around? She was born in 1820. She was a famous nurse and joined up to be a nurse to help with a war (Crimean war) 

Back then, they didn't have the technology or understanding that we do now and they certainly didn't appreicate the need to be clean and hygienic. Well, during these awful war times, she was very dedicated and looked after the dying and became known as 'the lady with the lamp' as she'd be constantly checking up on her patients in the dark and dingy hospitals, using her oil lamp. 

Watch this video link about her

Then research her life. Why do we still remember her today? She used to be on the back of a £10 note - your parents might remember. Use these websites to record your information and write it down in your English books under the title 'Florence Nightingale'


Do you remember a few weeks ago we were talking about World Heritage Sites? Fountains Abbey is one. Your Easter homework is to research a world famous landmark (it doesn't have to be a world heritage site) and draw it as best as you can with detail and colour and send them in to me. I'm going to compile them and make a quiz up and see how many you can identify. It can be in any country and can be nautral or manmade but be sure to consider whether we're likely to know it or not. Maybe also don't go with your first initial idea as I bet everyone will draw the E*****l tower. Maybe research some or ask your parents.
(When you do send them into me, make sure you also state where it is)

Finally, have a happy Easter break. Please watch this last video link before you eagerly switch this webpage down :-)


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