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Friday 27th March 2020

26 Mar 2020

Good morning class 4 laugh
‘Happy Friday’ What a strange week it’s been but well done for persevering with it and keeping up with the tasks – I’m very proud of you all! Normally we do hot chocolate on Fridays but since we’re not in, I’ll happily have one for you today 😊
Time table
P.e – 9am start
P.E – Joe Wicks, a fitness expert, is leading live p.e lessons on his Youtube channel each day. Let’s all follow along with him by
Maths – Both groups have the same task today.
Your next page should say ‘cheap flights’ – It’s ironic that we’re looking at flights when we’re all stuck indoors but just think, when all this is over, we’ll have the world to explore again. Where would you love to go if you could? I’d love to visit the Galapagos islands one day – I bet you don’t know where that is, do you? See if you can find it on a map maybe. Where would you chose to go?
On the sheet there are four boxes with flight prices in. Make sure you read not only the price of the flight but the extra charges included too. Like the first one says the price to Dublin is £75 but if you notice, there’s a £25 tax on ALL flights too so in total it would actually cost £100 to go there.
Once you’ve read all the information, you can answer the 6 questions.
Which airline (the airlines are the titles in the 4 boxes, Fare Deals, Lo Cost, Flight Savers! And Best Buy!) has the cheapest flight price to go to that place? To work that out you’ll need to work out how much, including the extras or discounts the flight total actually costs. Write the cheapest airline down next to the city.
Next task – Can you see the boardgame with the crocodile in the water? You’ll have played it in class before. You’ll need an adult to play against or an older sibling. You’ll need a dice and find two counters. It’s the first one to make it to 100% exactly. (the rules are on the sheet)
Now, you’ll notice that it’s written in fractions, decimals and percentages. If I were you I’d convert them all to percentages when you land on them to make it easier to add E.G If I land on 1/100 then that’s 1% so that’s what I have so far. Then when I roll again I land on 0.2. 0.2 is 20% so now I have 21% altogether.
Tricky fractions to convert are 1/20 and 1/50. If I only I could make them out of 100 then they’d be much easier to convert because anything out of 100 is easy. E.G 17/100 is 17% and 33/100 is 33%. Hmmm, what could I do to 1/20 to make it out of 100 instead of 20? Whatever I do do, I must do it the top also.
Thank you for saving your ideas for the next chapter to the ‘Boy and fence’ picture. I really enjoyed reading them. I was especially impressed with the vocabulary choices. Here’s a bit of Dizzy’s – good effort at involving the reader with your questions and ‘rippled’ is such an effective noise to describe an uncomfortable feeling. Well done!
I toss and turn in my creaking bed. I covered my ears as the echoing clock’s ghostly music rippled down the hallway. What was it? Why couldn’t I get to sleep? What was happening to me? It is all too much.
I also enjoyed Jack’s choice of phrases. Good choice ‘battled a war’ to describe how you couldn’t make up your mind.
 I tried to scream but it never came out; my heart skipped a beat. I battled a war between curiosity and safety it was too late. I squeezed myself through the gap then...

However my favourite was AJ's where I thought he'd done an excellent job of keeping up that tension and interest. Here it is:

We never saw the items being removed; we never saw the crooks. But I had a plan. Tonight, I would solve this mystery.
I needed to set a trap. Entering my Dad’s shed I looked for his most expensive and desirable object. This was to be the bait. Rusty old tools littered the walls, but then I saw his shiny, almost new bike, which was very expensive. Perfect for my purposes.
I heaved it out of the corner and laid it in an obvious position in the garden, near the fence.
As I watched the sunset from my bedroom window, I wondered who had been bold enough to take our stuff over the past few days. I crept downstairs and collected a blanket and some chocolate to take to my hiding place, in the bushes by the fishpond. I settled down; this could be a long night. With my back to the house, I had a clear view of all entrances and the bike was 10m from my hiding place.
The darkness surrounded me and the cold, clammy ground seeped upwards making my trousers damp. I heard an owl hoot in the distance, the occasional rumble of traffic on the lane and the odd noise I couldn’t recognise. However, the garden remained silent and still.
Hours passed, I drifted in and out of sleep, but the bike was a constant in my view. I was cold, wet and tired; it was time to go back to the house, disappointed that my adventure had been a failure.
Collecting my belongings, I slowly stood up and turned to return to the house. I was confused: standing in front of me were Mum and Dad. They looked terrified as Dad spluttered “Would you like some lightly fried fish fillets?”

In your packs you should find a large loose A3 sheet – one side has text on and the other has questions about the text. Today I’d like you to choose one to do. Remember to make sure you answer exactly what the question is asking for. If it says find some evidence or words then you shouldn’t make it up, but actually find precise words or phrases which support your answer.

After this, please try your word shark logins, I know we had problems with that in class but it may have resolved itself by now. There should be an assessment to do first then after that you can practice the key spelling words.
Art – Although we’re restricted with where we can go, you can find many beautiful and captivating things everywhere, even in your own back garden. I want you to find something which captures your attention and showcases nature’s beauty. It might be a simple flower, with striking petals standing majestically in the garden, or perhaps an ant perched on a blade of grass. Beauty can be found everywhere, if we stop to see it. Claude Monet, a French artist, is famous for drawing everyday scenes and capturing nature. Below are some famous pictures he painted of his garden. I’d like you to paint, draw, photograph, create a collage of something which you think shows nature's beauty. It would be great if you could send those in to me to see and I’ll brighten up Monday’s page with them. and title it ‘FOA Mr Breckon’ and they’ll reach me smiley

That’s it for today, have a brilliant weekend
Mr Breckon.

P.S - Happy birthday to Jack on Sunday wink


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