Gurdwara visit
A.Breckon - 07 Nov 2019
8th November 2019
We began the second half of term with an action-packed agenda! Our theme has been to look at a world faith, which we'll be looking at all year in amongst our other RE units, and the world faith we are looking at this academic year is Sikhism.
We started by looking at images of gurdwaras and sharing our thoughts on what it might be like inside. We were surprised to learn that inside a gurdwara it isn't highly-decorated like on the outside so as not to distract your mind when praying.
We also raised questions and researched information to find out more in preparation for visiting an actual gurdwara in Bradford.
On the Wednesday we were able to visit a gurdwara and what an amazing place it was! We were given a tour of the building and went into the large hall where we were able to see their holy book called the Guru Granth Sahib and found it very interesting to hear how their special book is cared for. After the tour, we were able to try langar, which is a meal prepared by volunteers and available to anyone each day; it was delicious. It was very kind of the gurdwara to invite us and we learnt a lot about Sikhism.
We ended the day with a short visit to Kala Sangran to learn to bhangra dancing which was great fun.
And on Thursday we continued with cultural aspects of Sikhism from the Punjabi region of India including clothing, art and cookery.