Greek Feast
27 Oct 2023
We finally got to the last week of half term and we thought that it would be great to do something a bit different to celebrate the end of our Greek topic, and so we had a celebratory feast! We combined our D and T week with our Greek knowledge to create some very tasty pitta breads. Although we did cheat a
little bit with some of the ingredients as the anceint Greeks might not have used them all, we did make some delicious food! The children really enjoyed learning some new skills and trying some new foods.
First we taste tested some ingredients and thought about what we would like to include in our meals.
I was really impressed by how many people wanted to try something new and taste different foods! Well done for being adventurous!
Then we used our cutting and prepping skills to get everything ready.
A huge thank you to Miss Driver for helping us with this! She made sure that all the children went home with the correct number of fingers after using the knives for chopping.
Finally, we got to the best bit- the eating!
Well done Class 3 for being so amazing this half term! It has been a long half term but you have worked really hard and been superstars! Have a great half term and a well earned rest.