First week back
08 Sep 2023
We made it! We survived our first week back!
It was great to see all of the children back in school and it was lovely to see how happy they were to be back (yes, really!). They have all got back into the swing of things very quickly and they have worked really hard this week. I'd also like to give a big thank you to all of our wonderful year 4s for helping the year 3s settle in so quickly.
We have been thinking of ways that we could get to know everyone a little bit better and we have been finding out all about each other. We wrote down our likes and interests on some leaves and created a class tree. As the year goes on we can add extra bits of information and the tree can grow along with us.
I wonder if you can guess who created these leaves?
This week we also started looking at our history topic all about ancient Greece. We have been using timelines to see when the ancient Greek period was and we were amazed to see just how long ago it happened (it was even before I was born - only just according to the children though...).
The children have worked very hard this week and coped very well with the heat and I'm really proud of all of them. I'm very lucky to have such a great class and I'm sure they'll go on to do amazing things this year.