Revolting Children!
10 Mar 2023
This week the children finally decided that they had had enough of all of the homework and short breaktimes and fought back!
Not really of course! These pictures are from our archery and fencing sessions that we did with Debbie Speed. The children had a great time learning how to fence and then firing arrows in the hall. It was a really fun experience and it was wonderful that the children got to experience different types of sporting activities. The children were very accurate with the arrows, so maybe we had better consider having longer breaktimes after all!
We also had another visitor this week, Brian Beresford. He came in to tell us all about the books he had written and what it was like to be an author. He gave us lots of great ideas to write our own stories and shared where he gets his inspiration from. Mr Beresford also sang some songs with us that he had written. We had a really good time and loved hearing all about the alien who had come down to befriend some children.
We hope you have a great weekend and enjoy playing in the snow, and hopefully see you all on Monday.