Surviving the Stone Age and Maths!
23 Sep 2022
This week we have been looking at how to survive the Stone Age and maths too (although the maths wasn't really that scary
We have been working really hard on our understanding of place value and thinking about how we can make different numbers and use base ten to show the values. The children have worked really well together and I'm really proud of how well they work as a team to help and support each other.
The children have also been working on our history topic - the Stone Age. They were thinking about how Stone Age people survived and how they lived all of those years ago. We made some really surprising discoveries about life in the past and the children were great at thinking about how they could plan where they would need to make a camp to make the most of the landscape around them. I'm not sure they were too keen on the idea of living in the past though (I think they were more worried about the lack of internet than the dangers of hunting mammoths!).
I hope you all have a great weekend, and don't forget to check out the information Mrs Hendrie has added on the website about our upcoming trip.
Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School (