Cross country and Failed Projects
06 May 2022
It might have taken a while to get the cross country up and running (
), but on the third go we finally got to take part (the event was postponed twice due to bad weather). The team went to Harrogate High School where they competed against schools from all over the Harrogate area. The children had told me that they had all been putting in lots of training for the event and it certainly showed! They were super speedy and ran amazingly fast. We are all very proud of the children and the effort they put in!
This week we have also been creating some "Failed Projects". Don't worry though, we haven't really failed, in fact the projects are coming along very well.
We have continued our writing based on a story about a little creature who things he is a failure because he doesn't look like all of the other creautres (although we all agree that he is very cute and perfect as he is). We have been working hard on our stories and are hoping to share them with you soon.
Well done for using different resources to up-level and improve your work.