Snow and amazing sweet making machines.
01 Apr 2022
What has happened to the weather this week?! It was lovely and sunny and then suddenly we went back to having snow again. The children loved being outside in it though and had a great time catching snowflakes.
We also had lots of fun in our guided reading sessions and we continued our work on "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". We read the text and then highlighted the descriptions of the scenes and drew the machines in Willy Wonka's factory. This really helped us to think about the word choices Roald Dahl made to describe everything and how it made a picture in the head of the reader. It also helped us to find the answers to some tricky questions later in the session too.
To finish off a very busy week we had our forest school session down on the field (luckily it was a bit sunnier!) and built some bases and tents. At least someone said they'd been building bases but I can't see one in the picture, can you?