Magical Maths and Fairy Tales
11 Feb 2022
Magical Maths
Last Friday our class took part in a nation wide maths competition in support of the NSPCC. The competition ran until quite late on Friday night and so we had to wait until Monday morning for the final results. As you can see though, they were worth waiting for!
The children had to answer as many times tables questions correctly as they could and then our scores were compared with the other schools taking part. Check out the picture below to see how well we did!!!!
We came 9th out of 2,240 which is amazing!
We then checked our results again the local primary schools in our area to see how we compared. The area featured any schools within 50 miles and so it included Leeds, Bradford and lots of other places. We did amazingly well though and finished 3rd out of 295 schools! The children have really done the school proud with their efforts and have been superb.
Fairy Tales
We have also been doing some acting this week and we have been creating some mini-plays based on fairy tales. As Miss Blake is a panto superstar she gave us some acting tips to help us with our performances. She did demand that she played the part of the princess though!