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Friday 12th Feb

11 Feb 2021


Well done everyone, you have made it to the last day of the half term! As it is the last day it is everyone's favourite day - TEST DAY! Woohoo!

Today we have our reading, maths, writing and science tests to do. What? You'd rather do something else? Ok, I'll see what we've got instead...

Maths -  I was going to continue with our measuring but as a last day treat we'll do our mental maths games instead. 

 Chinese New Year activities -  Today Is Chinese New Year so I thought it would be interesting to find out more about it. 

Spellings - You do still need to do your spelling test though! Ask a grown up to test you and see how you do. 

Reading - Today is "free read Friday" so you can have have an hour reading anything you want 

Topic -   Collective Worship and French

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.  

Star Readers 

What a huge list of amazing readers to finish the half term with. I can't believe how well you are doing with your reading. I'm really proud of the whole class for keeping up with their tests. All of the people below have completed a test or AR since Wednesday too! 

Well done : Hugo, Monty, Jake, Esme, Luke, Jamie, Georgia, Molly, Isabelle, Tom-Henry, Ethan, Will, and Tillie! 



 Amazing Sentences. 

Wow this was tough!!!! In the end we managed to narrow it down slightly, but wow! You all really raised the bar! I think we narrowed it down to about 15 or 16 sentences and then it was impossible to pick. Have a look at the sentences below to see how amazing you were at his task. 

  -Amazing sentences.pdf-  

Slide Show 



  To begin please log on to Rockstar maths and complete 5 three minute games and see how many coins you can get. I'm really impressed by how well you are doing on Rock Star maths - well done!!smiley

As you all enjoyed the battle against the year 5s so much I've set up a one day battle between the year 3s and the year 4s. You have between 9 am and 3:15 pm to see how many points you can get, good luck!


Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

As it is the last day before the half term I though that we could have a go on these again becuase you have worked so hard on your maths. 

For these you can go on any of the activities you would like, addition, subtraction - it is up to you. Remember to check the options though and make sure that you have the correct year group. We are getting some very hight scores too. Jamie, Molly and Otto are current champions. 

KS2 Maths Invaders - Mathsframe

Time to save the world from alien invasion!

Birds v Robots - Maths Battle - Mathsframe

This one is still my favourite. Today I can feel a new high score coming my way. Watch out Class 3, I'm going to beat you today!!!

Subtraction - Mini Maths Golf - Mathsframe

Tommy's Trek - Times Tables - Mathsframe

 Multiplication Tile Crash - Mathsframe

Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica (

This one has lots of levels and areas, have an explore and see which creatures you can defeat. 

If you have your password for Sumdog that you could play that as well. 

I hope you have lots of fun. You could even screen shot your high scores and send them on Teams if you want.

Chinese New Year

Today is Chinese New Year and I thought it would be really interesting to find out more about it . There are lots of activities and crafts for you to try below, as well as some videos to watch too.

To begin have a look at the Newsround webpage. It has lots of information for you and some activities. Each year has an animal linked to in so you can even found out what your special animal is. 

Chinese New Year: What you need to know - CBBC Newsround

We said earlier that each year is named after an animal. Watch the story to find out why. 

Here are some craft activities for you to do. It is good to be able to get away from our screens for a little bit too.

Have a go at making some Chinese lanterns and decorating them. 

  -Chinese lanterns.pdf-  

Chinese numbers are very different to the numbers that we use. Open the PowerPoint below and see if you can write the Chinese numbers. You could then try and write the year you were born, what year it is now, what year Port Vale were formed (1876 in case you are wondering, and no, that is not the same year I was born!).

  -Chinese numbers.ppt-  

Lots of you have made these before. Now you could make one and try and predict what will happen this year. Maybe you will become rich or maybe something amazing will happen to you!
In China red is a lucky colour so you could colour your fortune teller red and then put a gold pattern on. 

  -Fortune Teller.pdf-  

Have a go at making a lucky fish to bring you some good fortune. Just draw the outline of your fish and then colour it in bright colours. You don't have to use tissue paper, just use what you have at home, I'm sure it will still bring you lots of good luck. 

  -Lucky fish.pdf-  


Don't forget to do you half an hour of free reading too. 

Collective Worship

Have a look on the "enrichment section" of the website to find today's Collective Worship. 


 Don't forget there are the daily challenges and Joe Wicks PE challenges to do if you want to do something more energetic today. 
  Link to Joe Wick's Youtube channel. 

You can take part in the daily and weekly challenges too by clicking on the link below. 

Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School (

Quick message.

I am really proud of how well you have worked at home during lockdown. You have returned your work on time, joined in with the meetings and been real stars. I am really pleased by how wonderful you have been. Please remember to say a huge thank you to your grown ups for helping and supporting you with your work. They have been amazing too and deserve a huge thank you. I hope you all have a great half term and have a chance to relax and have fun after all of your hard work. 

Mr G
Friday French 


This week we are looking at Mardi Gras
(Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day)
There are lots of activities, so you may pick and choose.

Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) means 'Fatty Tuesday' in French. It is a Christian event. Traditionally, Christians eat rich and fatty foods on Shrove Tuesday,
in preparation for 'Lent' - 40 days of eating dull and basic foods. 

Here is a video about Mardi Gras celebrations in the town of Dunkirk, France. Dunkirk is a fishing town and in the past, fishermen would eat a big and sometimes fattening meal before they set off on their long fishing trips. The local people would throw a big carnaval (street party) to say a farewell to their loved ones on their month-long trips and as a celebration of 'Lent'.

A Pancake in French is called 'Une Crêpe'. Here is a short clip in French of how to make one. Watch the beginning twice. Can you match these ingredients with the correct pictures?

   du lait (sounds like 'joo lai')     
de la farine  des oeufs (sounds like 'dez urr')     du beurre    du sel 

Below is a clip of Max and Harvery from CBBC, making their own pancake. They have chosen some interesting ingredients! (Yuk). It has been sped up, so their is no sound on this video.

Can you design your own 'Perfect Pancake' in French?
If you don't have a French dictionary, there are some ingredients below that you might like to add.

You could use this worksheet to draw your perfect pancake and label the
ingredients or toppings in French.
   Le chocolat              Les frites            Le bacon                    Le Saucisse               La glace         

Image result for cartoon Image Chocolate. Size: 158 x 110. Source:        Image result for Cartoon Image Fries. Size: 89 x 105. Source:          Image result for cartoon image bacon     Image result for cartoon image sausages   Image result for cartoon image ice cream

​Les bonbons       Les choux de bruxelles       L'ail         Le brocoli          La gelée            La moutarde

Image result for cartoon image sweets                           Image result for cartoon image sprouts              Image result for cartoon image garlic        Image result for cartoon image broccoli           Image result for cartoon image jelly          Image result for cartoon image mustard

Here is a French recipe for crêpes. Can you find the French for....

1. Recipe     2. You will need:    3. A pinch of...    4. Salad bowl    5. Whisk    6. Frying pan

Now all that is left to do is to make your own 'crêpe' !
Can you wait until Tuesday?!! See which ingredients you can say in French as you add them.

Bonne chance et bon appétit!
Madame Hebblewhite x

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