Friday 5th Feb
04 Feb 2021
Maths - Mental maths games
English - Handwriting and Reading.
Spellings - It is the big day - spelling test day! Please ask someone to test you on your spellings. Good luck.
Reading - 30 mins of reading anything you want!
Topic - Collective Worship, PE and French
Teams call - 10:30 = yr 3 10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)
Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.
Reading Stars
Well done to the following people for keeping up with their reading on with AR or Reading Plus :
Hugo, Georgia, Ben, Luke, Tom-Henry, Ethan, Molly, Ismay and Will.
Here are our Dojo scores. Congratulations to our winner who got 182 Dojos!!!
To begin please log on to Rockstar maths and complete 5 three minute games and see how many coins you can get. I'm really impressed by how well you are doing on Rock Star maths - well done!!
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
When you have done that check out some of the activities below to help you with your mental maths. These ones cover lots of different skills, and like last week you can change the options to look at different areas of maths. Bonus points to Luke who used it to work on his rounding skills after some of our lessons - very clever!
Please work on the main four operations today ( I don't mean taking out hearts or livers before you all get worried!). The main four operations in maths are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (these two will be times tables). These are the mental maths skills we need to keep sharp over lockdown.
I've put a few new ones in for you too. All of the rules and options are at the start of the games. They should be tablet friendly but if you can't get one to work don't wory - there are plenty of others to try. Just like last week you can set the objectives by maths subject or year group.
KS2 Maths Invaders - Mathsframe
Time to save the world from alien invasion!
Birds v Robots - Maths Battle - Mathsframe
Otto is still reigning grand champion! See if you can get 30,000 points to claim the crown.
Subtraction - Mini Maths Golf - Mathsframe
Make sure you have some extra socks handy in case you get a hole in one! (Terrible joke of the day!)
Tommy's Trek - Times Tables - Mathsframe
Multiplication Tile Crash - Mathsframe
This one is another new one to try. To crack it you need to think of different ways to make the answer and different factors of numbers.
If your target is 24 you could make it using 4 x6, but those blocks might not be there so you would have to see if you could find 2 x12 or 3x8. I really like this game because it needs quite a bit of thinking but becuase it is harder it feels even better when you crack it.
If you have your password for Sumdog that you couldplay that as well.
I've also put a link to a game on the BBC Bitesize website that you might want to have a look at. This one is a bit more tricky and there are some bits in it we haven't covered yet but feel free to try it and see what you think.
Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica (
I hope you have lots of fun. You could even screen shot your high scores and send them on Teams if you want.
It has been a while since we have worked on our handwriting so please use your neatest handwriting to copy out the poem below. You could write it out in your exercise book or on a different piece of paper if you want. You could even illustrate it too. Some people like to find their own poem to copy out. That is fine too as long as it is at least as long as the one I have set you.
This poem is a great one for helping you to work on your letter sizes. Remember, the h and l are tall, the a and o are smaller and the t is half way between them. The f below isn't how we do ours but I'm sure you can do a lovely, neat f for us with the correct formation.
-R L Stevenson From A Railway Carriage Poem Handwriting Practice.pdf-
Year 3s, I have sent you a comprehension to do in your Teams chat. Please could you write your answers down neatly and then send them to me at
If you are a Year 4 please log on to Reading Plus and complete 2 activities.
Reading Plus will log your scores for me so this is your evidence for today. You don't need to send me anything else - easy!
Click on the link below to go to the webpage. The site code is rpgrewe
Your username and passwords are below. If you have any problems let me know on your priate Teams chat.
Reading Plus® Login
Here are some more of our amazing sentences from yesterday.
Sophie was terrified so she dashed to her creaky, hard bed.
Steadily, the figure strolled down the dark dingy street.
The brobdingnagian, incomprehensible, cloaked character surreptitiously wandered down the dark, creepy street.
The creature picked out the transparent jar gingerly and got a trumpet and blew the sparkling, emerald green potion in the room.
We have done a bit of reading already and as it is Friday you can have a free reading session. That means that you get half an hour to read whatever you want. A lovely way to finish your morning.
Collective Worship
Have a look on the "enrichment section" of the website to find today's Collective Worship.
Don't forget there are the daily challenges and Joe Wicks PE challenges to do if you want to do something more energetic today.
Link to Joe Wick's Youtube channel.
You can take part in the daily and weekly challenges too by clicking on the link below.
To finish off we have some more work from Mrs Hebblewhite. Enjoy French Friday!
Friday French
Bonjour! C'est Madame Hebblewhite!
This week, we will focus on the Alphabet.
Let's start with a little quiz, to see which fruits you have remembered from last week. Translate these into French:
1. Banana
2. Apple
3. Strawberry
4. Pear
5. Pineapple
Can you translate what Tom Henry has written about his favourite fruits?
Let's learn how to say the alphabet in French today. Listen to the song below several times. First listen out for your initials or the letters in your own name. Then, see if you can spot the letters which sound similar in English and which don't.
Can you say your initials in French? Can you spell your name?
Below is a link to a games website for French children. Here, you can practise your alphabet in French. Find the 'Frog game' on the page and click on the triangle play button,
to hear the name of a letter.
Can you click on the correct letter?
Below is a fun game, to practise recognising letter sounds. The evil sorcerer has captured the letters and to free them, you must listen to the words and select the sound they each start with!
I had a lot of fun playing this one!! Click on 'Jouer' to start.
For a real challenge, click on the game below. Listen to some 3-letter words and drag the correct letter sounds to the top, to make the words. This would be a doddle for us in English, but it's pretty tricky in French! You click on the 'speaker' icon to hear each word and click on 'suivant' for the next question. Watch out - the letters are characters, some are harder to make out than others!
Click on 'ok' to start each question.
Do you think you can spell out the names of these animals,
in Enlish, using the French letter names?
Bravo tout le monde! Passe un bon weekend!
Mme Hebblewhite x
Thanks once again for being such a great class and working so hard all week. I am really proud of how well you are doing and what stars you are all being. Please say a big thank you to your grown ups for helping you and I hope you have a great weekend.
Mr G