Wednesday 3rd Feb
02 Feb 2021
Maths - Measuring
English - Looking at how to improve our sentences so they are more interesting.
Spellings - Don't forget to practise these.
Reading - 30 mins of reading and catching up with any AR tests.
Topic - Collective Worship, PE and Art.
Teams call - 10:30 = yr 3 10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)
Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.
I hope you had lots of fun in the snow yesterday! I certainly looks like it. Have a look at the slideshow below to see what everyone was up to.
I'm really jealous because the snow in York had melted and gone by about 10 o'clock - not fair!
Here are our Dojo scores so far this week. It is pretty close again!
Well done to our amazing readers too who have completed either an AR test or Reading Plus activity.
Great work: Hugo, Ismay, Otto, Ben, Molly, Thomas, Tillie, Isabelle, Luke, Tom-Henry and Ethan.
Yr 3
For today's maths you need something that is about a 1 m long to help you. You might need to have a quick look for something to help but maybe you could use a tape measure instead.
Spr3.7.2 - Measure length (m) on Vimeo
-Year 3 sheets.pdf-
Yr 4
Aut4.8.2 - Equivalent lengths mm and cm on Vimeo
-Year 4 sheets.pdf-
In this lesson, we will generate precise vocabulary to use in our writing. We will use this vocabulary to orally rehearse our writing of the build up. For this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper and a pencil.
To generate vocabulary for the build-up (
You will need to watch the video very carefully today because it will really help you with your task. I would like you to take the boring, basic sentences from the start of the video and make them much more interesting. You will need to use fronted adverbials, interesting verbs and expanded noun phrases. We'll do one together.
"Sophie ran to her bed". Pretty boring!
Lets add a fronted adverbial and change the verb.
Terrified, Sophie sprinted to her bed.
We could add more information too.
Terrified, Sophie sprinted to her bed as quickly as she could.
We could also add some adjectives to create expanded noun phrases.
Terrified, the small, scared orphan sprinted to the safety of her warm cosy bed as quickly as she could.
Can you see how we have made it sound much better?
Your task
Please log on to Teams and have a look at the basic sentences I have set for you. Make each one as interesting as you can.
There are some fronted adverbial and verbs and adjectives sheets at the bottom of the page to help you.
Remember - please check your puncuation too.
There is a dojo for anyone who writes amazing sentences.
Don't forget your 30 minutes of daily reading.
Collective Worship
Have a look on the "enrichment section" of the website to find today's Collective Worship.
Don't forget there are the daily challenges and Joe Wicks PE challenges to do if you want to do something more energetic today.
Link to Joe Wick's Youtube channel.
You can take part in the daily and weekly challenges too by clicking on the link below.
Today we are going to carry on with our art theme. We have been looking at Monet and as you know he loved painting outside. It might be a bit cold for that today, but you could sit by a window and paint or draw what you can see outside. Monet loved to paint his garden and took time to think about what he was going to paint and what angle to paint it from. He even painted the same view at different times to see how it looked different at various times of the day.
Have a look at the PowerPoint below and you will see some more information about Monet. It also has some of his paintings in too - look at each one carefully. They are very beautiful and worth taking your time to look at.
I would like you to create a view from your window of what you can see outside. Remember, you don't have to use paint, just use whatever you have around at home, you could even use a computer or app to create your pictures. You brush strokes or marks should be small and the idea is to create an "impression" of what you see that is a bit blurry. Believe it or not, if you normally wear glasses taking them off for this might actually help. I hope you have fun with this and feel free to send me the results.
-Lesson Presentation Monet Garden.pptx-
There is a quick video for you to have a look at below to help with Monet's style. This week though we are doing your view and not copying one of Monet's paintings, so draw what you can see outside.
Monet video
I hope you had a great day and that if there is any snow left that you had chance to go out and enjoy it again. See you tomorrow, Mr G.
English help sheets.
-Alt adjectives-V318444875.pdf-
-Alt verbs-V318444875.pdf-
-fronted adverbials.pdf-
Yr 3 Answers
Year 4