Friday 29th Jan
28 Jan 2021
It is Friday at last! Time to celebrate with a quick song!
I love the guitar, looking very cool!
Maths - Mental addition and subtraction work.
English - Reading comprehensions or Reading Plus
Spellings - Please ask your grown-up to test you on these today.
Reading - 30 mins of reading and catching up with any AR tests.
This is your evidence for today. If you are on Reading Plus the computer will record your answers.
If you are doing one of the comprehensions I sent in Teams, please could you take a picture of your answers and either send it through your private Teams chat or email it to Thank you.
Topic - Collective Worship, French and PE
Teams call - 10:30 = yr 3 10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)
Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.
Here are the Dojo scores so far. Any from today I'll add on to next week's total.
It was very close this week. Everyone was fantastic at handing their work in and you were great at being on time in your Teams meetings too. Well done, Class 3!
Well done to Jamie, Hugo, Ismay, Otto, Molly, Tillie, Isabelle, Tom-Henry and Ethan who have all done a AR test since Wednesday!
To begin please log on to Rockstar maths and complete 5 three minute games and see how many coins you can get. I'm really impressed by how well you are doing on Rock Star maths - well done!!
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
When you have done that check out some of the activities below to help you with your mental maths.
Today please work on addition and subtraction. All of these games will let you practise adding and taking away in the options section before you begin and you can select by year group too.
Birds v Robots - Maths Battle - Mathsframe
Subtraction - Mini Maths Golf - Mathsframe
You can also try this one to practise your times tables.
Tommy's Trek - Times Tables - Mathsframe
If you have your password for Sumdog that you couldplay that as well.
I hope you have lots of fun. You could even screen shot your high scores and send them on Teams if you want.
Year 4 Your Reading Plus will be your evidence for today, you don't need to send me anything else.
For your English today we are going to do some comprehensions. I would like the Year 4s to use Reading Plus today. When you log on it will probably ask you to do a test where it will work out what level to put you on. That will take about 20-25 minutes. It is really important that you take your time and read everything carefully, because it is very tricky to change the level afterwards. You will also need to do the test by yourself - no grown up help I'm afraid.
Once you have done that then please have a go at doing your first activity.
It works best if you use Google Chrome and you might need to change the zoom on your browser to about 90 % to see all of the options, it just depends on which type of device you are using. Hopefully it will be fine though.
If you don't get asked to do the test then please do two activities instead. I hope you enjoy it.
Click on the link below to go to the webpage. The site code is rpgrewe
Your username and passwords are below. If you have any problems let me know on your priate Teams chat.
Reading Plus® Login
Reading Plus is a brilliant resource and you can log on and use it whenever you want. It has hundreds of things to read and it will unlock new levels the more you do too.
Year 3
Your work is a lot easier to find Year 3s, have a look in your Teams folder and there is a comprehension for you to do. Please record your answers in your notebook or exercise book. The answers are with the comprehension so you can check it afterwards.
When you have finsished please could you take a picture of your answers and either send it through your private Teams chat or email it to Thank you.
Reading and AR tests
Today is Friday - yay! If you want to you can have a "free read" today. This means that you can read any book you want for your half an hour of reading. Enjoy! I've just got a new book I'm looking forwarding to starting , it is called "Outdoor Swimming in Winter", and it is by I.C. Waters.
As a Friday treat I've put the next part of "The Twits" for you to watch below.
Collective Worship -
For today's collective worship have a look at the enrichment page of the website.
Don't forget there are the daily challenges and Joe Wicks PE challenges to do if you want to do something more energetic today.
Link to Joe Wick's Youtube channel.
You can take part in the daily and weekly challenges too by clicking on the link below.
Friday French
Bonjour! C'est Madame Hebblewhite!
This week, we will focus on the topic of Food.
Let's start with a little quiz, to see what you have remembered
so far! Can say this in French.....?
1. Hello
2. Goodbye
3. My name is...
4. Blue
5. Green
6. Yellow
7. How old are you?
8. What's your name?
9. Fill in the gaps: un, deux............vingt.
Let's learn some Fruit words today. Join in with the video below:
Now listen to the song, 'J'aime Les Fruits' (I like fruit).
Now listen again and try to join in, by saying just the fruit words or if you have a fruit bowl at home, try to hold up the right fruit
when you hear it in the song (and don't forget to wash your hands!).
Afterwards, see how many fruits you can name in your fruit bowl. Test your grown-up!
You could even make up your own song and send it to me on video or written down, at
You could make each line the same, with a different fruit, e.g.
'J'aime les bananes, les jolies bananes'
Click on the links below to download the following Fruit worksheets:
1. J'aime et Je n'aime pas - Draw and label fruits that you like (J'aime) and dislike (Je n'aime pas).
2. Fruit Colouring sheet.
Bravo tout le monde! Bon weekend! Madame Hebblewhite x
Well done for this week everyone. I have been so pleased with all of your effort and hard work - you really have been amazing. Thank you for logging on to your Teams chats everyday ; it is so lovely to see you all.
Please say a huge thank you to your grown-ups for all of the help they have given you this week. They are amazing too!
Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you for our call on Monday.
Mr G