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Monday 25th January

22 Jan 2021


Maths - Adding money (Yr3) or rounding to the nearest pound (Yr4)

- Working on our spelling pattern for the week and the next page of handwriting in your book. 

Please complete the mini quiz on Teams following the spelling rules from the video for your evidence for today. 

Reading - 30 mins of reading and catching up with any AR tests. 

Topic -   Music , Pe, Collective Worship and Story (Phew that's a busy afternoon!)

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.  

I will be in school all day today so it might take me a little longer to repsond to any questions, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.





Return of the dojos! 

Today we will be doing dojos again. 

You will get a dojo for:
sending me the evidence of your work you needed for the day on Teams;
logging in to our Teams meetings;
passing an AR quiz; and
being sensible in the chat channel. 

I will put the first lot of Dojo scores up on Wednesday when we have chance to have earned some. 

To start us off and to get warmed up, please play 5 games on Rockstar Maths .
Times Tables Rock Stars (

Yr 3 

Today you will be adding amounts of money. Have a look at the video again to re-cap how to add money and refresh your memories. 

We are going to do the sheets below instead of the Maths No Problem today. The answers are at the bottom of the webpage for you. 

There is also a challenge sheet for you to do if you want to have a go at some harder problems.


Spr3.4.5 - Add money on Vimeo




 Challenge Sheet


Year 4

Last week we had a reminder of how to round numbers to the nearest 100, and now you will see why. Today we will be rounding numbers to the nearest pound. I've put a link on to the video we saw on Thursday in case you need a reminder about rounding. 
Aut4.1.5 - Round to the nearest 100 on Vimeo

Slide Show 
     Have a look at the best thing on the picture - the cup of tea, not the cake! If you think carefully £2.10 would come between £2 and £3 if we drew out a number line, but which would it be closest to? What about the others? Can you draw a numberline to help?
     Did your numberline look like this? They have very carefully put some marks on. Each one is to show 10p. It might help to do this on your numberlines too. 
     Here they have done the same. £1.80 comes between £1 and £2. Which is it closets to on the numberline?
     This one is more tricky! It is exactly in the middle. If it is 50p or more it goes UP to the next pound though. 

Slide Show 
     Have a go at these practise ones. It might help to draw a numberline for each one. Thing carefully about which pounds your number comes between. That can be hard but once you have worked that out the rest is much easier! 

  Now complete pages 48 and 49 in your books, please.Question 3 is quite tricky so be careful.
Slide Show 


Today we will be working on our spellings and looking at addding a suffix to words. Have a look at the video below and practise. You spellings for the week will be in your private teams channel. 

To investigate more suffixes: Past and present tense (

Please log on to Teams and complete the spelling quiz following the patterns in the video. 

Some of the words will be from the video, but some might not be. See if you can use the rule to spell the word correctly. 

 When you have watched the videos please practise your spellings and then complete the next page of your handwriting book. 

I've put the AR links below in case you need them again. 

You might have books at home that you would like to read and some of these have quizzes too. You can use the link below to see if your book is on the AR system and see if it is in your zpd range (don't forget your ZPD is written in the front of your Maths No Problem book).. 

Accelerated Reader Bookfinder UK & Ireland - Quick Search (

We still have some people who have not logged on to Accelerared Reader to do a test in quite a while. I've put the link on below so you can catch up on any tests that you need to do.

Welcome to Renaissance Place (



Today we are going to do some music too. It would be a good idea to use headphones if you can because htis one might be noisy! (Sorry grown ups!) 

Understanding pulse and rhythm (


Here is the link to Joe Wick's PE channel if you fancy floowing his routine. If not, then there are some links to our new daily and weekly challenges below. 

The Body Coach TV - YouTube


Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School (

Collective Worship

Don't forget to check out today's collective worship on our "Enrichment" page of the website.


In class we like to have time to chill and listen to a story. When you are looking at an author ( we are doing Roald Dahl if you remember) it is always useful to look at their other stories. Here is a version of a story you might well know. I can't help but think that with my beard I'm starting to look a bit like Mr Twit. Still, a beard is a great place to store your snacks for later. You'd be amazed how many Wotsits you can fit in beard to nibble on if you try.


Well done for making it through another busy day, and I hope you had fun. See you tomorrow on Teams. 

Yr 3 Answers

  -Y3-Spring-Block-2-ANS3-Add-money-2019 Answers.pdf-  



Slide Show 


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