Friday 21st Jan
21 Jan 2021
Maths - Times tables work. - Please complete the quiz on Teams.
English - BFG topic - Adding the next part of our story.
Reading - 30 mins of reading and catching up with any AR tests.
Spellings - Ask your grown up to test you.
Topic - French
Teams call - 10:30 = yr 3 10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)
Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.
Thanks for the pictures of your work this week. You have been stars!
As usual on a Friday we will be working on our times tables skills and re-visiting a couple of tables we have looked at in class to make sure they stay sharp and quick.
The answers are all the way at the bottom of the page in PDF format so that you can mark your work when you have finished.
When you have done that please complete the mini quiz on Teams for you evidence for today. There aren't too many questions as you have already done the work sheets so you will fly through them, you clever people.
Yr 3
Aut3.12.1 - The 4 times-table on Vimeo
-x4 tables.pdf-
Challenge sheet
Year 4
x 11 and x 12
Spr4.1.1 - 11 and 12 times-table on Vimeo
-x 11 and x 12 tables.pdf-
The elevens are a strange table. They are really easy until you get to 11 x 10, 11x11 and 11x 12. Be very careful with these!
Challenge sheet
To write the first part of the opening (Part 2) (
Today we will be looking at writing up part of our story using our notes. It is really important that you keep up with each day's lesson as we will be writing more and more of the story each day and building on what happened the day before.
I'm really looking forward to reading all of your work when we have finished the topic beacuse so far it has sounded brilliant.
At the start of the week we looked at our spelling pattern and adding a suffix. Today will be test day! Please ask your grown-up to test you on the spellings you were sent on your Teams channel this week.
Don't forget to keep up with your 30 minutes of daily reading too.
This afternoon it will be French with Mrs Hebblewhite. I wonder if she'll be impressed that I put a French question on the quiz yesterday for our Monet topic?
Friday French
Bonjour! C'est Madame Hebblewhite!
This week, we will focus on two topics:
Colours and Introducing Ourselves.
Well done those of you who sent me your number videos and slideshows.
Here is Molly's fabulous number slideshow!
(Click on the play triangle - no need to sign in).
Look who has been teaching their little sister some French!
1. Morning, afternoon, evening 2. Different ways of saying 'hello'
3. Goodnight 4. Excuse-me/sorry 5. Enjoy your meal
And finally, I thought you might like to watch the French version of the 'Akuna Matata' song from the Lion King, that I have found. Can you find any words that are the same in English?
Bon Weekend!
Madame Hebblewhite x
Well done for working really hard this week, and please say a huge thank you to the grown up who have helped you this week.
I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday for our call.
-x4 tables answers.pdf-
-x 11 and x 12 answers.pdf-