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Thursday 21st Jan 2020

20 Jan 2021


Maths - Looking at money and rounding different amounts. 

Using fronted adverbials to write the beginning of a story. 

Reading - 30 minutes of AR reading and catching up with your quiz if you need to. 

Topic - PE and Art (Monet pictures). Please complete the Monet quiz for your evidence today. 

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call. 

Quick reminder - Please can you not use the chat on Teams for sending messages unless it is important. It is there for you to ask questions about your school work or if you need help. If you put lots of things on it is really difficult to find the important information. Thank you. 

Here are some of the amazing bird feeders you have made. They look great.
Slide Show 


Congratulations to all of those who have completed a test in the last few days, and especially Luke and Ethan who have been flying through their books!

Well done to... Ethan, Luke, Hugo, Otto, Annabelle, Ben, Molly, Isabelle and Jake this week. 


You might have books at home that you would like to read and some of these have quizzes too. You can use the link below to see if your book is on the AR system and see if it is in your zpd range (don't forget your ZPD is written in the front of your Maths No Problem book).. 

Accelerated Reader Bookfinder UK & Ireland - Quick Search (

We still have some people who have not logged on to Accelerared Reader to do a test in quite a while. I've put the link on below so you can catch up on any tests that you need to do.

Welcome to Renaissance Place (

To start us off and to get warmed up, please play 5 games on Rockstar Maths .

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

For the main part we have slightly different areas for the yr 3s and yr 4s. Have a look at the video and then complete your worksheets - simples. yes

Year 3

Your answers are at the bottom of the page so please mark your work with your blue pen when you have finished.


Spr3.4.5 - Add money on Vimeo

 Yr 3

Slide Show 

 Year 3 Challenge sheet

  -yr 3 ext.pdf-  

Yr 4

Today we are going to have a bit of a change. Tomorrow we will be looking at how to round money up and down to the nearest pound or ten pounds. Today though we are going to revisit rounding and have a look at how to round again. 

The sheets you will need for today are below, with the answers at the bottom. Please mark your work with your blue pen when you have finished.

Aut4.1.5 - Round to the nearest 100 on Vimeo

 -Year 4 rounding.pdf-  

  -Year 4 Extension sheet.pdf-  



 Extension sheet





To write the first part of the opening (Part 1) (

In the video it shows you how to write the opening to your story. I would like you to have a go at doing the same. The example in the video uses lots of fronted adverbials and interesting verbs and adjectives too. See if you can use as many fronted adverbials as you can and include your amazing adjectives to make some great expanded noun phrases. You can use your work from yesterday to help you if you would like. 


This afternoon we will carry on and look at Monet again and find out a bit more about him. There is a quick quiz for you to fill in about him on Teams. Don't worry, all of the answers will be in the PowerPoint though if you look carefully.

Have a look at the Powerpoint below.


Now that you have seen some more of Monet's work I would like you to have a go at creating your own Monet water scene. In class we were going to use acrylic paints but feel free to use whatever you have at home.

Monet used small brush strokes to create the effect of water, so on your picture try to use small strokes too and build them up to create the water. 

I've set this up as a task in Purple Mash so if you would like to do it on the computer instead then log in and have a go. 
The link for Purple Mash is below. Sometimes when you log in from a different computer you might need to search for the school name too before you can log in to find the correct portal. 

Your log in information should be in the front of your Maths No Problem book. Have fun and if you want to send me your picture I would love to share some on the website.

Purple Mash by 2Simple


Joe Wicks PE - PE With Joe | 2021 - YouTube

You might want to have a go at one of our daily or weekly challenges instead. Have a look at the link on our PE page to check them out. 

Physical Activity Personal Best Daily Challenges - Harrogate School Sports Partnership (

Well done for all of your hard work today and I'll look forward to seeing you all later on the Teams call. 


yr 3 

Slide Show 

YR 3 ext sheet



Yr 4



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