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Tuesday 19th Jan

18 Jan 2021


Maths - Looking at money. This will be your evidence for the day. 

- Thinking about what books we enjoy and spellings. 

Reading - 
Comprehension - this will be in your private Teams chat.

Topic - Forest Schools Bird Feeders!   PE - Joe Wicks or take part in a challenge.

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call. 

To start we have a magnificent Monet picture!

Slide Show 



Today we will be looking at adding up amounts of money again and thinking about the value of the different coins. 

Have a look at the video below to see what happens when you add larger amounts of money together.

When you have finished please copy the answers on to the Teams quiz - hopefully it should be working properly today.

Spr3.4.4 - Convert pounds and pence on Vimeo

The Maths No Problem book might try and trick you today. It might look like this....


In  question a you have 26 p, but the box starts with a £ sign! Oh no! What do we do?

If you think about it carefully if you have 26 p you don't actually have any pounds  We show this by writing a  0 in the pounds column, then using a dot to separate the pennies, and then say we have the 26 pennies. 
This would look like £0.26

In question b we have 80p so again we don't have any pounds. We would write this as £0.80 because we still say we have no pounds, but we do have 80p.

The decimal point to separate the pounds and pennies is really important. There is a big difference between £1.52 and £152! 

Also you might have noticed that we use £ or p and not both at the same time. You could sat £1.26 or 126p, but you can't say £1.26p


Yr 3

After watching the video try these practice questions below. The answers are on the next slide so you can check your answers before you get to your books to try it for real.  Please do pages 3 and 4
Slide Show 

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 YR 4

After watching the video try these practice questions below. The answers are on the next slide so you can check your answers before you get to your books to try it for real. Please do pages 45 and 46.
Slide Show 


Slide Show 

I have also added some challenge cards for you to have a go at if you would like.

  -Maths Mystery Money Challenge Cards.pdf-  

  -Money challenge Answers.pdf-  


I was looking through some of the lessons and this reminded me about what you told me on a Teams chat about good books to read. As today we are having a bit of a reading focus I thought it would be good to think about what books we like and ones we might like to try. Have a look at the video below and think about what sort of books you enjoy reading and why you like them. I've already had some wonderful recommendations in the chat, maybe you would like to share some more afterwards. 


To develop reading for pleasure through book recommendations (

After the video I would like you to practice your spellings and then complete the comprehension you have in your private Teams channel. I've included the answers so you can check your work afterwards too. 

If you can't print off then write your answers in your exercise book instead. 




  Please do your half an hour of AR reading too. 


Joe Wicks PE - PE With Joe | 2021 - YouTube

You might want to have a go at one of our daily or weekly challenges instead. Have a look at the link on our PE page to check them out. 

Physical Activity Personal Best Daily Challenges - Harrogate School Sports Partnership (

Forest Schools

Tuesday would normally be our Forest School time. Have a look at the activities below and then have a go at making a bird feeder. There are lots of different designs to choose from. 

Thanks very much to Mrs Goss for providing the projects for today. 

  -Forest school task sheet Week 3 bird feeders-V317154755.pdf-  


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