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Monday 18th January

15 Jan 2021


Maths - Rockstar maths and looking at money. This will be your evidence for the day. 

- Spelling work and handwriting.

Reading -
30 mins of reading

Topic -  Science - melting and freezing  PE - Joe Wicks or take part in a challenge.

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call. 

First of all a massive well done to our karate expert! She passed her grading just before lockdown started. Congratulations  from everyone in Class 3 ; we are all very proud of you!


 I will be in school all day today so it might take a little longer to reply if you email but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

My email is

There will also be a chance to swap books today. We will put out some book in the shelter so you can choose some new ones if you would like. 


To get you warmed up for your maths today please complete 5 games of RockStar maths.

Today we are going to start a new topic, we will be looking at money! Don't worry if you are still a bit unsure about the division though, we will look at this again when we get back in school so there will be plenty of time to go over anything that was tricky. 

We will also be starting a new workbook for Maths No Problem - we will now be using book 3B or 4B. This will be the first time you have used your book so please keep it neat and tidy and make sure all of your numbers and digits are wonderful. 

It has been a looooong time since we covered money, and with all of the Covid rules it may have been ages since you saw any of the coins or notes we use. Have a look at the videos and it will help you remember that we have covered before. 

If you have a money box or any coins at home it would be good if you could get these out and have a look at the sizes, shapes and value of these too. You could even use them to help you with today's answers. 

Please fill out the Teams quiz when you have finished. It doesn't like the pounds and pence layout so it won't  self mark today but I'll mark it and send it back when I've checked it. 



Spr3.4.1 - Count money (pence) on Vimeo



Spr3.4.2 - Count money (pounds) on Vimeo

Year 3 

Slide Show 
     Have a look at what each coin or note is worth and then carefully count them up. Would you start with the pounds or pence first? Would it make a difference? Would you get the same answer both ways?
     Here are some practice questions to work on. Try adding them up different ways and see what answers you get. Maybe add the pence first and then the pounds. Then you could try adding the pounds first and then the pence? Do you get the same answers?
     How did you do? I bet you clever people did really well.

Today's work is really easy to find - it is page 1 and 2! Don't forget you are in book 3B though. 

Slide Show 

 Yr 4 

Slide Show 
     How could you count the money up? Are all of the coins worth the same? Would you add the pounds or the pence first?
     In the question above you have more money than you needed (trust me- that doesn't happen very often!!!) You didn't need all of the coins. To make the 30p you will have needed to count up in 10s using the 10p coins. 
     Money is easier than time because there are 100 pennies in a pound so everything is easier to work out. Once you get to 100p it becomes a £1. Have a go at the questions above and see how you do. 

  Now it is time to work on your Maths No Problem sheets. 

Please do pages 43 and 44 in book 4B. 
Slide Show 




To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes: Past and present tense, including a test (

Today we are going to look at some spelling rules and think about how to add suffixes. This week your spellings will be based on these rules. Just like in school, I would like you to learn your spellings over the week and then ask a grown up to test you on them on Friday morning. 
I'll send the spellings to you on your private Teams chat so have a look for them there. 

Don't forget to practice your spellings each day and use some time this morning to work on and write them out.

I would also like you to work on your handwriting today so please do the next page in your handwriting book. 


Please carry on with yout AR reading and read for 30 minutes today. Tomorrow we will be doing a comprehension to work on our reading skills too. 


This afternoon we will be looking at science again. This one is a good one to do at the moment because it is looking at freezing and melting and we have had lots of freezing snow and ice that has now melted. 



  -Lesson Presentation Heating and Cooling New.ppt-  

Next, have a look at the BBC site below and then complete the activities on the site too. 


What are freezing and melting? - BBC Bitesize


To finish off we will do some PE because it is really important to keep moving and active. 

Joe Wicks PE - PE With Joe | 2021 - YouTube

You might want to have a go at one of our daily or weekly challenges instead. Have a look at the link on our PE page to check them out. 

Physical Activity Personal Best Daily Challenges - Harrogate School Sports Partnership (


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