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A Friday 15th Jan

13 Jan 2021



Maths - mental maths work. Just like last time I'll put a times table quiz up for you. This will be your evidence for the day. 

- BFG topic Describing a character

Reading - 30 mins of reading (AR if you can, please) 

Topic -  PE and French

Teams call -               10:30 = yr 3        10:45 = yr 4 (Please start with your microphone on mute)

Please have a pencil and paper handy for your call.   

Thanks for sending me the pictures of what you have been doing. It looks like you have had lots of fun! 



To begin please log on to Rockstar maths and complete 5 three minute games and see how many coins you can get. 

Please remember the table I set you to work on in Rockstar Maths because that is the one I would like you to work on in the games below when you set the options. Some of you are doing really well and are working on all of them! 



Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

When you have done that check out some of the activities below again.

These games can all be altered by you so you can choose which tables you would like to work on. You don't have to just work on one table, you could try a couple if you have tried your target table from Rockstar maths. 

It snowed again yesterday so I thought we could have some more fun throwing snowballs!

Don't forget these games have lots of different options for which areas of maths you can do so have a look through and see which table or tables you need to work on. 

Snowball Smash - Mathsframe


I've linked the bowling one again because it is always good to have one you can play with someone else. 

 You could challenge someone to a game and see who wins.

 Super Maths Bowling - Multiplication - Mathsframe

I'm still playing this one! Have ago yourself and see if you can survive. 

Birds v Robots - Maths Battle - Mathsframe

After all of this please go over to Teams and complete the times table quiz I have made for you. 

There are lots of other games on this website, but please check with your grown up that they are happy for you to go on them before you go and explore. 

There is quite a bit of computer work here and I know some people are sharing computers (or maybe you would rather do some colouring instead, hang on educational colouring wink ) so I've put some times table colouring grids for you below. If you would rather do those that is fine. Please check the sheet you want before you print though as some of these have a lot of pages. 

  -1 to 12 tables sheets.pdf-  

  -Times table colouring.pdf-  


In this lesson, we will be thinking about different ways of referring to the characters introduced in the opening scene of "The BFG". We will then generate adjectives to describe the appearance and personality of the characters. For this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil and a ruler.


To generate vocabulary for character description (

I would also like you to have a go at writing out your description of one of the characters. In the video they talk about Sophie but if you know the story and want to do the BFG character that is fine (the video also gives you some good adjectives to describe him too).

Sometimes it helps to draw the character so you get a really good idea in you head what they look like. You could also do it in stages, get your adjectives first and then write them up as sentences. 

In the video they start their sentences the same way. We can do better than that! Bonus points if you can start with a fronted adverbial instead and add more interesting verbs and adjectives. 

"Stalking slowly down the street, the towering, colossal figure looked through the windows of the tiny, minscule houses" sounds much better than "The giant walked down the street". 



Afternoon activities

Today would normally be French and PE so today we'll do the same on the website. 


For today's PE we have a special guest! England footballer Marcus Rashford will be doing today's PE with you. I did find a fitness video by the Port Vale captain but I didn't think that would be as popular. Don't know why though....



CBBC - Celebrity Supply Teacher, Series 1, Marcus Rashford - PE

 If you want to you can then go and try our some of the challenges on the sports page of our website. 

Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School (



Muchas gracias (what do you mean that's not French?! Oops!) to Mrs Hebblewhite who has given us some French activities to do. 

Bonjour! C'est Madame Hebblewhite!
(I think we might need to teach Mr Gamble some French, Class 3! don't you?!)

Every Friday I will be posting videos/activities and worksheets
for you to have a go at in French.
We will be practising the words and phrases that we learnt in Autumn term.

 This week, we will look at numbers. On y va! (let's go!).
Can you remember your numbers to 20? How far can you count?
You can practise by joining in with the video-slideshow below- you don't need to sign in, just click on the play triangle.

Now that you have had a practise, there are 3 activities that you could do, to practise reading and writing your numbers. Click on the link below.

1) 1-20 read and match French-English  2) 1-10 Wordsearch  
3) Colour by numbers (bigger numbers)

If you are a whizz on the computer, you might like to make your own French numbers to 10 powerpoint. You can record your voice like me. Make your slideshow first, then click on 'slideshow', then 'record slideshow' and you can then mute your video at the bottom. If you send it to me, I will share some in French next week ( - we share an email!

Bon-weekend! A la semaine prochaine!
Madame Hebblewhite (et Ludo!!) xx
Well done for working so hard this week and keeping up with your tasks! Once again I'd like to give a huge thank you to all of the grown ups who have been helping and supporting the children this week as it can be really hard trying to fit home schooling around everything else that is going on. The work is looking great and you have all done an amazing job. Enjoy the weekend and I hope you get chance to unwind and relax. 




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