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Monday 11th January

08 Jan 2021



Hi Class 3.

I hope you had a good weekend, it went quick didn't it!!! I hope you enjoyed the snow too and had lots of fun building snowmen and dens.  The snow in York melted after ten minutes and then we had none at all! I'm really jealous that you got to play in lots of snow and we just had boring rain. 

I will be in school all day today so if you email it might take me a little bit longer to get back to you but I'll get in contact as soon as I can. I'll still be doing the Teams meeting too. Speaking of which...

Teams Meeting (that was a smooth link, I'm almost getting the hang of this, almost!).

I'll give the yr 3s a call first this time at 10:30 and then the yr 4s at 10:45. If you could start with your microphone on mute that would be really helpful . 




Today we will be carrying on with our dividing again. Please watch the video below first because it explains what we will be doing. 

Year 3


Spr3.2.3 - Divide 2-digits by 1 digit (1) on Vimeo

Slide Show 
     You might find you have a problem here? Can you remember what they did in the video? Think about how you could carefully share the tens out. You might need to see if you can exchange one of the tens for ten ones. 
     Here they shared the tens out and then had one left over. To help make all of the groups even that exchanged one 10 for ten ones. 
     This helped them to share everything out carefully so they had equal boxes.

 Year 3 Work Sheet - Please complete page 123 which should like the one below, and dont' forget the date.  If you don't have your pack, just work out the answers on paper and write them down neatly. I have put the answers at the bottom of the page and when you have finished please mark your work carefully with the blue pen in your pack. You don't need to send me these today, just the English. 

Sometimes the layout of the Maths No Problem sheets can be a bit confusing. You might want a very quick check of the answers at the bottom just to help you see how to see the answers out correctly. In maths there can be more than one way of solving a problem, so if you want to miss the part/whole diagram and just put the answer to the calculation you can do today. 


Year 4

We will be doing division today too. We are going to have a re-cap over some of the important areas we looked at before. Watch the video below to find out what we will be looking at. 

Spr4.3.1 - Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (3) on Vimeo

Today we won't be working in our Maths No Problem books like usual, I have put some different questions down for you instead. The sheets you need are below with a pdf link if you would prefer to print out. When you have finished you don't need to put your answer on Teams. I've have put an answer sheet at the bottom of the page. Please mark your work neatly with the blue pen in your pack. 

Like before, everyone works at their own pace so if you don't finish the whole sheet don't worry, just try your best and get as far as you can. 




  -Y4 4 Division.pdf-  



Today we are going to be starting our new topic in English and it is a good one - the BFG! I bet you have heard of the BFG , it is a very famous book by a very famous author. You might have read it or you might have seen one of the film versions. I'm not going to tell you too much about it now because I don't want to give away any spoilers! 

Have a look at the video below and we'll learn more about it. 


To identify the main characters and the setting in a visual narrative (

I would now like you to complete the activity in the video. 

 Record this work on paper or in your exercise book, if you have one. It would be helpful if you could write the date and which lesson you are doing, like we would in school. Today this is the piece of work I would like you to send to me, if you have written it on the computer ask your grown up to help you email it to If you have written it by hand then ask them nicely to take a picture and email me the photo.

Don't forget all of that work we did on expanded noun phrases last week - make your descriptive sentences amazing!




Please keep  up with your AR reading and read everyday. 

You might have some books at home that you have been reading too. If you use the link below you can see if they are in your level to read as an AR book too. Not every book is on the system but it is worth a look. 

Accelerated Reader Bookfinder UK & Ireland - Quick Search (


Today we are going to carry on with your science and you will even find out who invented fizzy drinks. I would like you to look at the Powerpoint below and watch the videos to see that gas does actually weigh something and that it has a mass!

If you wanted you could maybe try out the experiment with the fizzy pop that they do in the video yourself. You do some need super accurate scales though.

  -Lesson Presentation Investigating Gases.ppt-  


Today Joe Wicks is back up and running again (well, he might not be actually running but I'm sure he's doing nearly everything else).

Click on the link below to take part in his session. If you wanted to you could take part in the live session in the morning, it just depends how much energy you have when you get up.

Collective worship 

To finish why now wind down and have a look at today's collective worship in the "Enrichment" part of the website?

Have a lovely day and I'll be back tomorrow.

Mr G




 Yr 4

  -yr 4 answers.pdf-  




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