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Work for Friday 8th January

07 Jan 2021



Hi everyone! 

Well done with your work yesterday, and a double well done for working out all the things you needed to do to hand it in! You are a very clever bunch! A huge thank you to the grown ups too who battled bravely with Teams to submit all the work. Hopefully now it should be fine. wink

If you haven't had chance to pick up your pack yet don't worry, you won't need anything from the packs for today's work

Teams call

I'll ring the yr4s at 10:30 and then the yr 3s at 10:45 to have a catch up. This will be my first Teams chat with you and I'm really looking forward to finding out about what you have been up to! Fingers crossed it all works ok, I'm not a Teams expert but I'm sure you'll be able to help me if I need a hand. 


For our maths today we're going to be working on our mental maths skills to make sure that our tables stay sharp. When you are multplying and dividing in maths your tables are very important (and I mean the times tables, not the wooden ones that stop your books falling on the floor).

First off it will be 15 minutes on our old friend... Rocktstar maths! See how many coins you can earn in your time. 



Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

After that there are a few fun games I would like you to try. Some of you might remember this website from before and lots of people really enjoyed it.

These games can all be altered by you so you can choose which tables you would like to work on. You don't have to just work on one table, you could try a couple. 

It is due to snow so have a go on Snowball smash and have some fun throwing snowballs!

Snowball Smash - Mathsframe


This next game is one of my favourites, and hopefully it will "bowl" you over too! (It's Friday, I'm allowed some bad jokes! )
This one is two player so you could challenge someone to a game and see who wins.

 Super Maths Bowling - Multiplication - Mathsframe

I've saved the best until last - Birds Vs Robots! I've spent far too long on this today. I know Mrs A checks the websites and if she wonders why I haven't been answering emails this is why. Do you think I can say I was testing it for the children?

Birds v Robots - Maths Battle - Mathsframe

After all of this please go over to Teams and complete the times table quiz I have made for you. 

There are lots of other games on this website, but please check with your grown up that they are happy for you to go on them before you go and explore. 

There is quite a bit of computer work here and I know some people are sharing computers (or maybe you would rather do some colouring instead, hang on educational colouring wink ) so I've put some times table colouring grids for you below. If you would rather do those that is fine. Please check the sheet you want before you print though as some of these have a lot of pages. 

  -1 to 12 tables sheets.pdf-  

  -Times table colouring.pdf-  


For our work today we are going to have a go at doing a bit of creative writing using expanded noun phrases. Have a look at the video below to help you remember what an expanded noun phrase is. It is also a great idea to have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil handy so you can do the activities on the video too. 



To explore expanded noun phrases (

Now that you have had a look at what expanded noun phrases are I would like you to have a go at creating some of your own. I've put some pictures for you to use below.

You will be writing some sentences about these pictures using good adjectives to describe the nouns and build on what you did yesterday to make expanded noun phrases.


The fast, speedy dogs raced over the cold ice.


The cold, tired man wanted to get back to his warm, cosy house. 






If you wanted to though you could maybe have a quick look outside or find your own images on your daily walk and write about what you can see. I took some pictures when I walked my dog yesterday and I'm going to use one of them for my work (the pictures below I mean, I didn't see many leopards on my walk - maybe it is because they are hard to spot wink) .

This ismy dog having a quick sleep after going out, lucky thing!  Maybe you could use your pet, toys or a picture you like to help you find something to write about. 




The tired, sleepy dog snored while he slept on his smelly, old blanket. 
(Can you spot the expanded noun phrases in my sentence?)


Please complete 6 to 7 sentences of you own in your exercise books or on paper (that's only two sentences on each of the pictures above if you think about it, or you could do them all about the same one - it is up to you). Then use the quiz on Teams to send me your favourite 4, please. The quiz is called "Expanded noun phrases". 

Don't forget commas, full stops and capital letters. 

To uplevel your work you could add fronted adverbials, adverbs and exciting word choices. 


After a long, tiring wander, the sleepy creature snored loudly while he dozed contentedly on his tattered blanket. 

(Fronted adverbial)             (expanded noun phrase)  (adverb)                          (adverb)               (expanded noun phrase)

Or maybe...


Once he'd awoken, the greedy dog sneakily tried to use his cute, lovable face to try and make his human make him another
(Fronted adv)                 (adj)               (adv.)                         (expanded noun phrase)                                    
snack quickly!


Afternoon work

Collective worship - check out today's one on the "Enrichment" section of the website. 


Today we will be looking at states of materials. Have a look through the Powerpoint below and it will explain all about solids, liquids and gases. 

  -Lesson Presentation Solid Liquid or Gas.pptx-  

When you have done that I would like you to make a table like the one below in your exercise book (or neatly on paper if you haven't got your book yet). 



Then I would like you to write the name of the materials below in to the correct column. You don't need to send this to me but please keep it somewhere safe for when we get back. There are two sheets on the slide, just click the arrow for the next slide. 

Slide Show 

 I wonder if you could add any of your own ideas to the sheet?


Yesterday there were a couple of problems with log ins but hopefully they should be ok now. As it is Friday we'll have a bit of a change. 

Please read your AR book for 15 mins and you can read for pleasure for the next 15 minutes and read whatever you want. That is a lovely way to spend a Friday afternoon.


From Monday we'll be joining in with Joe Wicks again. To get us moving and ready for the weekend I've linked some of our favourite GoNoodle activities. Click on the videos and go for it (maybe your grown ups fancy a dance too after all this home schooling).

I've also added a Joe Wicks video to get you ready for next week. You are all much fitter than me but I need a practise first!!

Bonus task! In your packs I also put an extra kindness hole punch card. It is more important than ever to be kind to each other at the moment. Maybe you could say and do some things to help and be kind at home and see if you could earn some points for your cards. We all need to make an extra effort to look out for each other during lockdown. 

Well done for getting through your first week and working so hard you have all been stars! Remember to say a big thank you to your grown ups too for all of their help and support.  I'm off to play Birds vs Robots again, I will take down that robot with the shield!!!!




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