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Work for Thursday 7th January

06 Jan 2021



Hi Class 3, and if I haven't seen you so far this year I hope you had a great Christmas! It seems weird to be back with you on the website again.  We were all set up and ready to go for school on Tuesday but then everything changed! A big thank you though to you and your grown ups for being so patient while we get everything sorted! It has been a busy few days ( I hardly managed to fit in all 12 of my daily cups of tea!!) but hopefully everything should be up and running ( I say this with my fingers and toes crossed), and thank you in advance for your patience because it might still take us a day or two to iron everything out.

*Disclaimer - please don't really iron your computer, it will make it all melty and broken!*

A few notes for the children and grown ups too. 

This time around a few things have changed from last time. Hopefully you will have picked up your learning packs and have those now. In the front of your 3a or 4a Maths No Problem book you should have all of your codes and logins. One of those will be for Teams which we had a quick look at before Christmas to make sure it all worked. Mrs Acheson has put a PowerPoint on the main webpages to show you how to log on to it. There are also some reading books in your pack and there will be a chance to change these regularly. I let you know when our slot is as soon as I can.

Everyday you will get a Teams call from me when we will check in and make sure everything is ok and have a bit of a chat about the work and how things are going. This will start tomorrow from about 10:30. For the first session I will do it in small groups of about 6 or 7 for 10 mins so that everyone has a chance to say hello and check it works, plus it can be a bit scary talking in front of a big group. Sometimes we might do whole class meetings or use it to do a bit of teaching when we all get used to it.

We will also use Teams as a way of letting me see all of your amazing work. I will set up some mini quizzes and answer sheets for you to type your answers in, and then I will mark them and write a comment and send them back to you . Hopefully this will make it easier for you to get your work to me so you won't have to email it instead. They should be in the "Assignment" section on Teams. 
If anything doesn't work today or tomorrow please don't stress about handing it in, there are bound to be one or two teething problems. 

Finally, if you need to get in touch with me I have blown the dust off my old email account which was used last year. I will be available at   until about 3:30, and then after that I will get back to you the following day as soon as I can. 

Phew, that was a lot of things to get through! Thanks for paying lots of attention to all of that! Right, lets get going....

Ps -if you are coming to work at school, please bring your pack in with you because you will need your books. 

Teams call

Tomorrow I'll ring the yr4s at 10:30 and then the yr 3s at 10:45 to have a catch up. This will be my first Teams chat with you and I'm really looking forward to finding out about what you have been up to!



Time to check out our first log in of the day - fingers crossed again!! 

Please have a quick burst on Rockstar maths to get yourselves warmed up. Click on the link below and you're good to go! About ten minutes should be enough to earn you enough coins to buy that leopard print leggings set you've had your eye on. :)

Times Tables Rock Stars (

Main part. 

For this we will be doing some division in your Maths No Problem books.

When we work through the sheets take your time and remember to be neat and tidy. Everyone works at their own pace, and if you really can't crack a question, just have your best go. Some days you might not finish all of the questions because they can get very tricky towards the end. Just like in class, as long as you have tried your hardest that is ok. 

Last time some people found it tricky to have the sheets on line, so if you would prefer a text book let the office know and they'll arrange to leave you one. 

Year 3

Before you start, check out the videos on the BBC website below. Don't worry about the quiz at the start, but the videos will show you some useful tips for the lessons and hopefully will refresh your memory. 

Sharing equally - Year 3 - P4 - Maths - Catch Up Lessons - Home Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

Slide Show 
     How would you share the sweets out? You could share them out one at a time, or maybe you could share them out in larger groups each time? 
This looks quite complicated but it isn't too bad. They have split 68 down into 6 tens and 8 ones. Then they have shared out the tens with each person getting 3 tens. Then they have shared the ones with each person getting 4 ones. If you add the tens and ones back together it is 3 tens and 4 ones to make 34 , or 30 + 4 = 34.
    Here are some ones to try first. For each of these do the same. Break the number down in to tens and ones and then share them out equally. Then count up how many you have in each group to find the answer. Eg, 46 is 40 and 6. 40 divided by 2 is 20, and 6 divided by 2 is 3. Add 3 and 20 and you get 26!

Now it is time to have a go at the questions in your book. Please work on page 122. 


To get the answers to these break them down in to tens and ones and then divide them in to gorups, and then count up how many are in each group. Don't forget, your groups must be even and you shouldn't have any left over. In class we use counters for this, so maybe you could draw a picure to help, or use things at home to help you share out. If you would like any counters for home let me know and I'll have them ready for collection on Monday when I'm back in school. 

When you have finished, please log on to Teams and complete the quiz "Maths No Problem yr 3 Thursday" which should be in the assignment section.

Year 4

Divide a 2-digit by a 1-digit number - Year 4 - P5 - Maths - Catch Up Lessons - Home Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize
Slide Show 
     How would you share the cards out? You could share them out one at a time, or maybe you could share them out in larger groups each time? 
     Here we are going back to what we did all that time ago before Christmas. If you remember to divide we share the number out. They have broken 68 down to make 8 ones and 6 tens. They have then shared these between 2 people. 
8 divide 2 = 4, 60 divided by 2 is 30. Add the two groups together and you get 4 + 30 = 34!
     In maths there is often more than one way to solve  problem or set out your working. There are a  few ways you could have solved it. Some you might have seen before, some maybe not. If you haven't seen some of these yet don't worry, we'll see them later on. They have still used the same idea. Break the number in to tens and ones, then divide them in to groups, and see how many are in your groups. 

Now it is time to record your answers. 
Please open your work book and start on page 121.
In school we use counters to help us, if you would like any counters let me know and I'll have some ready for you to collect on Monday when I'm in school. 
Slide Show 
     On this page you could circle or draw around the discs in the picture to help you. 
     To get the answers to these break them down in to tens and ones , and then count up how many are in each group and go back and write the answer in. Don't forget, your groups must be even and you shouldn't have any left over. In class we use counters for this, so maybe you could draw a picure to help, or use things at home to help you share out. 


 When you have finished, please log on to Teams and write your answers in the "Maths No Problem yr 4" section which should be in the assignment section. Don't worry if you didn't finish them all, just put in the ones you did get. 




For our English today we are going to do some work on adjectives and adverbs. We have done quite a bit on this before so hopefully it will be a good way to help you get back in to the swing of things. 
Our aim for this lesson is to re-cap what adjectives or adverbs are and then have a go at using them in our own writing. 

If you watch the video below it will help you remember some of the different word classes and is a lot like the way we have done things in class. The good thing is you can pause the video to give you a bit more time if you need it. 

 To explore word classes (

Hopefully the video should have jogged your memories. What I would like you to do now is check your learning packs and you should find a sheet called "Using adjectives" or "How verbs happen". Please complete the sheet neatly and tidily and don't forget to use capital letters and full stops. 

Evidence of our great work. 

When you have finished please write your 4 sentences from the "Using adjectives" sheet in to the quiz on Teams in the assignment section. 

If you are doing the "How verbs happen" sheet please make up four of your own sentences and write them in the quiz form on Teams so I can see how brilliantly you have done.

Don't forget to make them as impressive as you can. I love interesting adjectives and powerful verbs, and if you can remember some fronted adverbials please put them in too.

*Please just do the first page of the learning packs today. *



Afternoon work. 

Well done for making it through your first morning! I hope you managed to log on to everything too. 

I think it would be good to relax and do some reading. Please read your AR book for 30 mins, this might be a big chunk in one go so you can always do this in smaller bits if you want, or maybe next time do some in the morning and some in the afternoon. If you have finished your book then you can try your AR quiz below. Remember not to rush and read each question carefully. 

Reading Plus website.

Collective Worship

Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'


Our new science topic will be "States of Matter". Have a look at the BBC video link below and this will give you a good head start for when we begin on Monday. See if you can complete the activities too. 

States of matter - Year 3-4 / P4-5 Science - This Term's Topics - Home Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

Well done for working really well today and I hope everything worked ok! Enjoy the rest of your day. 
Mr G

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