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Class 3 Friday 17th July

16 Jul 2020

Good morning everyone, and welcome back to Class 3 on your last day of the year!


 Congratulations for making it through to the last day! I can't believe it is the holidays already and that we are at the end of the year. smiley

You have all worked amazingly hard during lockdown and you have all been superstars. Please don't forget to say a huge thank you to your grown-ups who have helped and supported you through lockdown. It has been a strange year and it has been strange not being in school too. I have really missed you all and I can't wait to see you all again next year. I hope you all have an amazing summer full of lots of happy and exciting things. 

Mr G

Some A- Z answers to our tricky problem from yesterday.



For today's tasks I have set you some fun quizzes to do. Why not play against someone else and see who can get the highest score?
I could only get these to upload as a PowerPoint so if you can't get them to download don't worry, just try one of the other activities instead. 


Click on the PowerPoint link below to play. 

  -Would you rather PP.ppt-  


I must admit I'm not sure about some of the answers that they give to these ones. I think they are only suggestions so maybe you might want to think of your own reasons instead and give a point if it sounds like a good anwer. 

  -Odd one out-V301096895.ppt-  

Lockdown Memories

As we are at the end of the year (I still can't believe I'm saying that!), it is a good time to look back and think about what it has been like during lockdown and think about what has happened. Below is a picture of a jar that you can fill with your lockdown memories. Some might be good, some might not be, it is up to you what you want to put in. You could draw or write your ideas, or you could even get a real jar and put your ideas on paper and then put them in the jar. 

  -Lockdown memories.pdf-  


Times Tables

There's always time for a bit more times tables practice! Have a look at the link below and it will take you to our maths website. The bowling has probably been my favourite one so we will finish with this. It is a two player one too so you can have a bit of a competition at home. It is up to you which table you want to work on today. Have a look in the options and choose the level you want.


As always reading is super important so see if you can still manage to squeeze in your half an hour of reading today.


Collective Worship

Today's  Collective Worship is with Mrs Barker
To join in, please find 'Collective Worship' on the Class 4 page

Note to grown-ups

Thank you so much for all of the help and support you have given the children this year. It has not always been easy trying to fit home schooling around working from home and every day life but you have all done an amazing job. I hope you all have a great summer and have the chance to relax and unwind with a well earned cup of tea (or maybe something stronger  wink).

Some people have asked for some activities to look at over the summer so I'll put up some things in the homework section of our class page ready for Monday. Don't worry, they are completely optional and only for suggestions of things to look at or do. 

Best wishes, 
Mark Gamble

Projects for the week. 
I've left some of the topic work below in case you want a bit longer to finish off any of the things you have been doing this week.
Don't forget to try and do something active today. Have a look at the link below and see if you can find an activity to do. 

This link has a range of different options for you to try and to keep yourselves moving:


If you would like to do a music activity, then Mrs Watkinson has a huge range of lessons available at the below link.


Craft Activities


Don't forget to be careful after getting paint on your hands! Remember to give them a good wash so you don't get paint all over the house. 



You don't have to make spiders, you could make any animal you could think of for this or even try making a dragon or a unicorn if you're feeling very crafty. 












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