Class 3 Wednesday 15th July 2020
14 Jul 2020
Good morning again everyone.
A couple of jokes to start off the day (they are as bad as mine!)
Thanks very much for sending me your memories about school. I'd forgotten how many things we had done, you all have much better memories than me! It was also great to hear how many new skills you have learned, from playing badminton to learning the guitar - you are a very talented bunch.
What makes me, me?
So far you have told me lots about yourselves and it has been so interesting learning all about you. Even those people that have been in my Class this year have told me lots of amazing things that they like to do that I never knew about.
Today's activity doesn't involve any writing (ok, less of the cheering ) because I'd like you to create a piece of art all about yourselves. I'd like you to show me what you are like and what sort of things you are interested in by creating a picture or collage. You could carefully cut out pictures from magazines or draw pictures to show your individual qualities and the things you like, such as dance shoes, football boots, your favourite book, things that you like learning about, things that you like playing with and so on. So far this week I haven't shared much work on the website because some of the information is a bit personal. This time though it would be great if I could share some of today's pictures and put them up tomorrow. You could even have a go at seeing how well you know your new class mates and try to guess who did which picture.
If you want to send your work my email is
PS - Please check with a grown up before you go cutting things up though. I don't want to get the blame if you have made big holes in a favourite book or magazine.
Be kind and help others:
In Class 3 , we try hard to show kindness to others. Have you done anything to help someone else today? Try to do a kind act for someone else. You might help with something or it might be to do something to cheer up another person. You could really go for it and do something kind for your brother or sister today!!
Don't forget to keep up with your reading and complete your 30 minutes. It doesn't all have to be in one go, maybe you want to do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 mins at night before you go to bed. It is up to you.
Collective worship
Today it is my turn to do Collective Worship. You will find it on our class page , or else click on the link below.
Today's story is a strange one all about a girl and her magic hair growing shampoo!
Projects for the week.
Craft Activities
Some of you are flying through these activites and so I've put some new ones on too. I've made the ones from yesterday a bit smaller to fit the new ones on, but the PDF links are still there.
Don't forget to be careful after getting paint on your hands! Remember to give them a good wash so you don't get paint all over the house.
You don't have to make spiders, you could make any animal you could think of for this or even try making a dragon or a unicorn if you're feeling very crafty.
I hope you have a lovely day and I'll see you again tomorrow.
Mr G