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Class 3 Thursday 9th July

08 Jul 2020

Good morning everyone. 

These are your mindfulness activities for this morning. Remember, you can do them in any order, and you may not have time to do them all so choose your favourite ones to do first. 

Slide Show 

 This week we have been going on lots of walks to see what we can find. Below is a story of a man who is going on an adventure to find Polar Bears. It really reminds me of some of your journeys from last week and the things you said you were going to discover. Part two will be on tomorrow.

Collective Worship

Today, Mrs Acheson will be doing Collective Worship.

Click on the link here to see it. 

 Positive thinking diary

For this task please have a look at your "positive thinking diary"
and reflect on the day you have had, and write down something positive that has happened. You might want to save this for a bit later though. 

  -Positive thinking diary-V300142886.pdf-  

Colouring activity.

Today I have put some sheets on for you to colour for your mindfulness colouring activity. It's not alway easy to print out though so instead you could take your pencil for a walk again like yesterday (as long as it isn't too tired of course. My pencil slept like a log yesterday after its super long walk). 

  -Colouring sheets.pdf-  

Outside Maths.

Being outside is always great for making us feel happy and today we have some maths activities to do. Some of the cards are easier to do than others, so if you don't have the things that you need handy just try one of the others.


This is very similar to a magic square. If you have managed to do 10 then maybe you could challenge yourself and try another number. You could also try to make it work diagonally as well - very tricky!


This is a good bit of revision and reminds us of the angle work we did a while ago. Can you still remember the different types of angles?


I have put this one up because this is probably the most fun I have ever had doing maths. It made me giggle a lot and I fell over lots too. I couldn't quite get it to work so feel free to skip it if you want, but maybe it will work for you (I think I struggled because I'm old and not very flexible, it might be easier for you). 

Scavenger Hunt

 Yesterday we used our sense of hearing and recorded what we could hear around us. Today we are going to use all five senses for our mindfulness walk. 

If you can ask a grown-up if you could go for a walk and see if you can find any of these and then you could record them in a note book or on a writing pad (or if you wanted to or the weather is bad you could do it in the garden or the houses). Please be careful with the "something you can eat" one as lots of things can be dangerous to eat when you go out. Maybe save something tasty as a treat for when you get back. I did my scavenger hunt with my dog and he definitely found lots of tasty things to eat that I had to stop him chomping on. If you have ever been for a walk with a labrador you'll know what I mean!

  -scavenger hunt.pdf-  

 Art competition.

This week we have been doing lots of activities outside and we have been looking at how being outside and exercising can make us feel healthier and happier. North Yorkshire council are running a competition that links in with this idea and I thought it would be great if we could take part. The rules are below for you to have a look at. There are some great prizes that you can win as well. 


 If you would like to enter the competition there is a form for you to fill in below. If you could put your full name and year group in then I'll complete the rest.

  -Sustainable Travel Art Entry Form.docx-  

Learning Project - to be done throughout the week 

This project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about celebrations. Learning may focus and different types of celebrations that take place and who may celebrate them. It could look at how people celebrate different events differently in other parts of the world. 

 ● Country Celebrations -​ How are birthdays celebrated around the world? Look at ​this website​ to find out information on the celebrations. Maybe there's a particular country your child would like to find out about. Create fact files to show the similarities and differences between the celebrations. 

 ● Build a Brilliant Board Game-​ Task your child to create a board game that focuses on celebrations. Is it going to be a game like Monopoly or Snakes and Ladders? Are they going to need dice? Cards? Characters? Once your child has created the game, can they write a ‘How to Play’ guide too? Test out the game during a family game’s night. What did everybody learn about different celebrations? 

 ● Party Game Fun-​ Why not ask your child to plan their ideal birthday party or celebration event? Who is going to be invited to the event? What food would they like to eat? How will the room be decorated? What entertainment will there be? Play some party games as a family e.g. Musical Statues, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, etc. 

 ● Cherished Memories-​ ​Look through old photos of previous celebrations the family have taken part in. What can your child remember about the event? Discuss why the family celebrates in this way. Do you have any family traditions? Ask your child to draw a detailed sketch of their favourite photograph from the day, if there aren’t any photographs they could do this from memory. Following this, ask your child to write a recount about the day. This could be done in the style of a diary entry or a newspaper report. 

 ● Patron Saints and Saint Days- ​There are four patron saints in the UK: St. George for England, St. Andrew for Scotland, St. Patrick for Northern Ireland, and St. David for Wales. Can your child find out about each saint and why they are still celebrated in the UK? Look ​here​ for some help. Perhaps they could create a timeline of each saint’s life? Or write short information reports on each saint? 


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