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Class 3 Monday 22nd June

21 Jun 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you had a great weekend. 

As usual on a Monday I will be teaching at Grewelthorpe today but if you need anything feel free to email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 



One of the things I loved doing the most when we were in school is reading stories and poems, it was a lovely way to start the day or to wind down in a few spare minutes. I thought that we'd start off with a poem to listen to this morning, and this was always one of our favourites and never failed to make us giggle - just what we need on a Monday morning. 

Click on the book cover below to play the video.


Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!


Monday is my favourite day of the week because we get to work on our tables using some games. 

Please go on Rockstar maths and complete 5 games on there, and when you have done that have a go on the soundcheck to see how you are doing if you can (if this mode doesn't work for you don't worry). 

When you have done that you can have a look at the Mathsframe website and work on your maths skills. Remember that you can change the options on that so you can work on the tables that you want to, as well as a few other mental maths skills too.

Just like last week I have picked a challenge for you based on one of the games. 

As our theme this week is space your challenge is to see if you can step up and save the Earth from invasion by aliens (no pressure). My score was 770, so see if you can beat that, space pilots.



For our English today we are going to try something a little bit different. I would like you to go to the website below  from The Oak National Academy and look at the lesson that is set for you. I would like you to watch the video and then do the task. There are some questions before and after the lesson. It asks for a score but only you will see what you get and you don't need to tell anyone the score, it is just for you. 

Everything should hopefully be explained in the video and it should contain everything you need too. There is a video for each age group so just click on the one for you. 

The website doesn't need any log in codes so you don't have to worry about that. It does ask you to accept the cookies (I was really disappointed when they weren't real ones though, I hoped they come out of the computer somehow crying) and the banner with the cookies info on does hide the "next" button which you will need to use for the lessons.

Year 4 link.

Year 3 link

Please ignore the part about spellings on the video, we have our own patterns. 


As always please try to do your 30 minutes of reading today. 


For your spellings this week we have two lists to work on. There are some words to help you with the pattern, but see if you can find any more that fit it too. Some people might have been given a different spelling list to work on, if you have then please follow that instead. 

Once you have created your list of words that follow the pattern please choose 5 - 10 of these words and learn them over the week. yes

                                                  Year 3                                               Year 4


Collective Worship:     

Today's collective worship is by Mrs Barker.

Click on the link below to go to the video and join in.

Topic work

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about space. Learning may focus on our Solar System, the Sun and the Moon. It could look at life in outer space from the view of an astronaut and travelling through space. 




 ● Our Solar System- ​ ​Encourage your child to think about what they already know about space and create a mind map. Can they name the planets in our solar system? Can they remember them in order or create their own mnemonic to help them? Ask your child to research the characteristics of the planets e.g What is it made of? What size is it? How close to the Sun is it? Temperature? Can they create a fact file, PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation on a planet of their choice? ​These facts​ about Mars or these ​facts about space​ may be a good starting point.  

 ● Blast off!- ​Ask your child to design a new spacesuit suitable for an astronaut. They will need to consider which materials would be most suitable, comfort for the astronauts and the temperature in space. Encourage them to design a logo for the spacesuit too. Perhaps they could make this using materials from around the home?​  

 ● Astronaut Aerobics-​  ​Astronauts have to be fit and agile for their missions to space. Ask your child to design a fitness workout to put your stamina to the test! Can you find your pulse and count your heart rate before and after exercising? ​Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.

 ● Out of this World- ​Ask your child if space travel was made more accessible and they could go on holiday to space, would they like to be the first space tourist? Can they think of arguments for and against being the first space tourist? Is it unethical for millionaires to spend their money on space tourism or should they spend all their money on reducing poverty? Ask them to prepare a speech about this discussion point. 

 ● One Giant Leap for Mankind - ​Ask your child to find out about ​Neil Armstrong​. Who was he and what challenges did he have to overcome during his life? Can they write a biography or create a piece of drama about Neil Armstrong’s life and achievements?


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