Class 3 Friday 12th June 2020
11 Jun 2020
Class 3 Friday 12th June
11 Jun 2020
Hi again. Well done, we've made it through to Friday!!
Thanks for the work you have sent it, it has been amazing! I've put some below for you to have a look at.
Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!
Well done to everyone who managed to log on and complete their MyMaths work yesterday. Today we will complete another piece of work based on time.
That reminds me, I wanted to look for my missing watch yesterday but I just couldn't find time.
I've put your log ons below again just in case you need them again.
Go to website:
Username is grewel
Password is algebra
After that there is a second log in screen:
After that you should see a log in screen on the side that looks like this:
Next, type in your log in details and it should take you to your own screen where there is a task waiting or you.
Don't forget that you can have more then one go so feel free to try it a couple of times to see if you can beat your score. There are also some games for you to play on there too.
Reading and spellings.
I'm sure you know what I'm going to say now don't you? That's right mind-readers, 30 minutes reading and then work on your spellings too, please. Once you have had a last look through your spellings it is time for the highlight of the week - the spelling test!
Ask your grown up to test you and see how you do.
We haven't done any handwriting practice this week so we're going to squeeze it in at the end of the week. I like to put a bit of calming music on when I do my handwriting practice so maybe you could do the same ( and yes, I'm working on my handwriting again because Miss Blake still tells me off if I do it wrong when I am back in school!)
I've put two pieces of text for you to use for your writing. It is not always easy for everyone to copy from a screen though so I don't mind if you want to choose a different text as long as it is about the same length. You can also choose a different rainforest animal if you would like.
Why don't jaguars like hide and seek? It's because they're always spotted!
I also found a video all about the different layers in the rainforest that tells you all about it. I have put the link below but this is a Youtube video so please check with a grown up to make sure it is ok to watch (it is BBC schools one).
Learning Project - to be done throughout the week
The project work this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.
● Amazing Animals- Ask your child to think about the following: How many different types of animals live in rainforests? Can they name any? What is their diet like? How do they hunt for their prey or hide from predators? Look at these 11 amazing rainforest animals. Encourage your child to choose one of the animals and create a poster all about them.
● Layers of the Rainforest- Take a look at this information with your child, all about the layers of the rainforest. Ask your child to try creating their own diagram showing the layers of the rainforest and the animals you can find in each layer. Your child could cut and stick pictures, paint or draw! Can your child categorise the animals?
● Roar!- Have a go at this forest themed GoNoodle! Finished? Ask your child to try making up their own rainforest-themed dance routine to the same song - they could pretend to be a different animal for each dance move! Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
● One Step at a Time- Talk to family members about the deforestation of rainforests and think about how we could help by taking small steps at home. This article should help get them started! Can your child record their very own advert encouraging people to reduce, reuse, recycle? Encourage them to think about the impact on the environment, animals and their habitats, global warming and the tribes that occupy the rainforests. Alternatively, they could write a jingle about the benefits of recycling and perform this to the family. Share these at #TheLearningProjects.
I hope you have a great day,
Mr G
Note to grown ups.
Once again a huge thank you for all of the help and support you have given the children this week. It can be really tricky to fit in home schooling and working from home but the time and effort you give the children is very much appreciated. I hope you have a lovely weekend and find time to relax too.