Class 3 Monday 8th June 2020
07 Jun 2020
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend and managed to have fun, even if the weather was a bit wet. I'm only just drying out from taking my dog for a walk and getting getting caught in a horrible downpour yesterday! Still, my dog really enjoyed himself and managed to find every puddle to walk through. He was an extra smelly wet dog when we got back!
I will be at Grewelthorpe teaching today but if you need me feel free to email me and I'll try and reply as soon as I can.
Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!
Reading task:
No change here, your reading task is to read for 30 minutes. Remember that you can do your reading at any time and you could do it in chunks if you want, maybe two lots of 15 minutes.
Please pick 5-10 spellings and learn these over the week.
There are two lists and you can take words off either list.
For our writing today we are going to create a poem that links in with our topic work. I would like you to choose an animal from the rainforest and then create an acrostic poem about them. If you remember an acrostic poem is where you write the name of the thing you are writing about down the side of the paper, and then use each letter to start a sentence about the object. I've put a sheet below with some great adjectives on that you might want to use for your poem. If you wanted to you could decorate it too.
For your maths today I would like you to keep all of the work we did on our tables going before we move to a different area of maths later in the week.
Please go on Rockstar Maths for about 15 - 20 mins and see how many coins you can get.
After that I would like you to pick a table to focus on again and then I would like you to play a few games of "Dice Battle" again.
You could also multiply the numbers together to make it harder, or you could multiply three dice together. Maybe you want to square or even cube the number! I love this game because there are so many ways you can change it.
If there were any of the other games from last week that you really enjoyed maybe you could play those too, they will all help to speed up your tables.
Learning Project - to be done throughout the week
The project work this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.
● Amazing Animals- Ask your child to think about the following: How many different types of animals live in rainforests? Can they name any? What is their diet like? How do they hunt for their prey or hide from predators? Look at these 11 amazing rainforest animals. Encourage your child to choose one of the animals and create a poster all about them.
● Layers of the Rainforest- Take a look at this information with your child, all about the layers of the rainforest. Ask your child to try creating their own diagram showing the layers of the rainforest and the animals you can find in each layer. Your child could cut and stick pictures, paint or draw! Can your child categorise the animals?
● Roar!- Have a go at this forest themed GoNoodle! Finished? Ask your child to try making up their own rainforest-themed dance routine to the same song - they could pretend to be a different animal for each dance move! Recommendation at least 2 hours of exercise a week.
● One Step at a Time- Talk to family members about the deforestation of rainforests and think about how we could help by taking small steps at home. This article should help get them started! Can your child record their very own advert encouraging people to reduce, reuse, recycle? Encourage them to think about the impact on the environment, animals and their habitats, global warming and the tribes that occupy the rainforests. Alternatively, they could write a jingle about the benefits of recycling and perform this to the family. Share these at #TheLearningProjects.
I hope you have a great day,
Mr G