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Class 3 Wednesday 17th June

02 Jun 2020

Hi again everyone!

I hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed the sunshine. I managed to get a good long walk in with my dog which was lovely, and it was really nice to be outside in the sunshine. I also found out that the blackbird chicks that had been living in my hedge had learned to fly and they were flapping around in the garden.  Someone else has a chick growing up at their house. How cute is this little owl?! It is even giving us a little wink. 


Today we also have a couple of birthdays!
Happy birthday to Jake and Isabelle, we all hope you have a brilliant day and have lots of fun. 



Right, let us see what we have to do today...


Collective Worship
Let's join Mrs Acheson today for 
Collective Worship.  We're all missing being together, but this is something that everybody can share, even if we're not all in school.   
Look on the News Page for this picture, to join in with today's Collective Worship.


Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!


Today we will go back to a bit of our "Maths No Problem" maths. It has been a while so let me see if I can remember our topic... what were we doing? Area? Nope. Co-ordinates? Not this time? Bear wrestling? Nope that was last term... oh yes! It was money! I'll have to make sure I remember to put it all in the right order too, I know you'd be heart broken if I gave you all the answers first wouldn't you! wink

If you are in the submarine group I've put some challenge sheets at the bottom that I would like you to have a go at, and of course, if anyone else would like a go then feel free. I've put the answers for those riiiiiiiiiight at the bottom on the page though.

Year 3

Slide Show 
Can you remember how to add up the numbers? Clue - try using neat columns and then start adding up the single pennies, then the tens and finally the pounds. Also, don't forget that you line up the columns from the single pennies or ones, not from the pounds. 
     We haven't done this for a while, can you see what has happened in the tens column? Because we started with the ones we added 5 and 5 which makes ten. That means that we put a zero in the ones and we write the extra ten in the tens column. Then when we add we up the tens we add 4 tens, 3 tens AND the extra ten so we get 8, not 7. 
Don't forget to write the numbers in columns if you find that easier, and start with the ones, not the pounds. yes


Please don't forget to check your answer and keep your work neat and tidy. If you want to make any corrections then please use a blue pen if you have one, but if you don't it is not the end of the world if you use a different colour. 



Year 4

Slide Show 
It has been a while since we did any addition so can you remember what we did? Start off by using neat columns, and remember to line up from the ones, not the pounds. When you start to add up remember to start adding the ones, then the tens and then the pounds last. 
     It looks on the picture like they have added the pounds first, but really they have started with the ones and then the tens and then the pounds last. The layout can look confusing sometimes. 


Slide Show 

Maths Challenge sheets



  -Money challenge sheet.pdf-  

Reading task:                                                                                                                                     
I would still like you to read for 30 minutes please. Ideally, I would like you to read your school reading book or a book that is similar in difficulty. However, if you choose to read something else then that's ok too. As long as you're reading, I'm happy. smiley


Don't forget to keep working on your spellings. yes


I've loved getting to know more about you all during lock down and what your favourite activities are and who are your heroes. Now I'd like to find out a bit more about your favourite sport too. 

For this task I would like you tell me all about your favourite sport and design a poster about it. There are some questions below that might help you. I've been amazed by how clever you are at presenting your work so if you want to type it or use PowerPoint or Publisher or any other way then that is fine. Of course, if you want to just use a pencil and paper then that is fine too. 

This can be any outside or sporty activity so there are lots to choose from. It could be horse riding, football, bmx racing, motor cross, F1 , sumo wrestling, unicycle mountain racing or even mountain climbing and ironing (you don't believe the last two are real, do you? Check out the pictures below!). 

You might not know this but I used to be a good tap dancer! Sadly I had to give it up when I fell in the sink and hurt my knee.

What is your favourite sport? 
Who are the famous people or teams involved in it?

Is it a team game? 
Are there any famous places or arenas that are linked to your sport
Do you need special equipment or clothing and can you draw them and explain what they are for?
Are there any special skills or tricks , and can you explain how to do them?

Topic work

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for you to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance. 

 ● Our Sport Heroes- ​How many famous sports people can your child name? Ask them to choose a sports person and research online about them. Can they find out how and when they started their career, or any other interesting facts about them? Encourage your child to create a timeline that details all of the achievements of their sporting hero.  

 ● Tissue Paper Sports Logo -  ​Ask your child to use scrunched up tissue and paint to recreate the logo for their favourite sport team or design and create their own sport logo, perhaps for their school team. Your child could sketch this with pencils as an alternative.


 ● Super Movers! - ​Encourage your child to take part in this football themed ​Super Movers​! There are two levels - Super Movers are a great way to keep active and have fun! Try ​Go Noodle​ and dance along to one of their routines - there’s plenty to choose from and the whole family can join in! Your child could design a poster encouraging others to take part in sporting activities. Ask them how they would persuade others to join in. What type of words could they use? ​


 ● Sharing Sport Interests - ​Encourage your child to ask different family members about their favourite sports and any sports they took part in growing up - were they a part of any clubs? Did they take part in any competitions? Did they win any trophies? They might find out something new about their family members! Following this, can your child use the information to write a newspaper report recounting one the memorable events? They could include quotes from the interview. 

 ● Powerful Paralympians - ​ ​You could explore diversity in sport with your child. Ask your child to find out about the Paralympic games and famous paralympians such as ​Ellie Simmonds​. How have these people overcome challenges to represent their country in their chosen sport? They could write a letter/email to a chosen athlete and ask them questions about their sporting journey. Or they could draw a detailed sketch of the athlete during a winning moment. 

I hope you have a lots of fun with the sporty topic work, 

Mr G

Maths challenge answers



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