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Tuesday 19th May

18 May 2020

Hi Class 3.

I hope you had a good day yesterday. The pictures of the rocks you sent were brilliant and I hope you had lots of fun making them.  

Slide Show 



For our PE this week we have something a bit different. We are going to take place in an athletics competetion! But how do we do that I hear you say. Well here's how...

We (or you, I'm too old sadly) are going to do the events at home and then if you want to take part email me your scores and I'll put them together and send them off to Mrs Speed (best name for a PE teacher ever!!) . She will then compare our scores to all of the other schools who have sent their results in and see who wins. You do need a fair bit of space for this and a bit of imagination too to alter the equipment (maybe for the speed bounce you could jump over a rolled up towel for example). Sending in your scores is optional but it would be great if we could get at least five back so we can enter. 

You don't need to send your scores today, have lots of goes to get the hang of it and then send me your best scores by Friday. You could even have a competition at home to see who wins in your house. 

My email again is

  -Home Intra School Athletics Year 34 Festival - pupils.pdf-  





Year 3

Today we will be carrying on with our money topic and looking at how to work out much money we have (easy for me - not much!).

Slide Show 
     This person is trying to work out how much they have, are they right or wrong and why?
How much have they really got?












Year 4

Today's work overlaps quite a bit with fractions and decimals. I've also put on a challenge sheet for you to have a look at. The challenge sheet can be quite tricky though so watch out!
Slide Show 
So here 1p is one hundreth of a pound so we write it as £0.01 .  We have no whole pounds, no tenth of a pound (or 10p), but we do have  1 hundreth so it is £0.01 . 
This is getting a bit tricky now! Think about the place value work we have done before if you can remember that far back. If we have no whole pounds we will write 0 in the pounds column  (which here is really the ones column)..      
     On (1 a) we have one whole pound so we have £1. 
5p is 5 hundredths so we have no tenths but five hundredths so it is £1.05 .
     For this one there wasn't an answer sheet so I had to draw the answers in - it wasn't easy with a dodgy mouse but I hope you can still read it!


Slide Show 



For the challenge sheets they want you to think more about the question than in Maths No Problem and you need to look at these slightly differently. Sometimes there is more than one answer to get for a question and sometimes you might need to read the question a couple of times to fully see what it means (if you are doing these for the first time it is worth checking the answers after each one - there is a definite "knack" to these).

For question 2 you will need to pick different combinations of four coins to work out the solution, for example. 
If I need to say if Tanya always, sometimes or never has more than 12p I could say that she always has more because I can't use the coins to make four coins than are 12p or less (check the answer sheet and you'll see what I mean).

Feel free to have a go at these and see how you do.







It has been ages now since we have been able to talk about books and what we love to read in and out of school, and so I thought that now it would be a good time to do a book review to have a catch up. 

In your learning packs there should be a big bit of paper that says... yep you guessed it again "Book Review". This sheet is a bit bigger this time because the last one was a bit small, so now you have more space to write your answers. You can use any book you would like for this, is could be Harry Potter, it could be The Twits, it could be a non-fiction book, it is up to you. There are some bits to draw, and some to write. I can't wait to see what you have been reading because I have nearly finished my book so I need to get a new one.




Afternoon activity

The stone pictures you did yesterday were brilliant, you are a very talented lot! Today we are going to have a project which might take you a few days to complete so use as much time as you need over the week. 

For this week (if you want to) you could make a miniature garden. These are great fun and you're supposed to use small, natural things and make it look like a village or small house and garden. Here are some fun examples I've seen. 

Slide Show 

 Hope you have a great day and have lots of fun, 

Mr G


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