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Wednesday 13th May

12 May 2020

Hello Class 3. 

We're going to start today with a bit of fun. Yesterday we looked at drawing pictures of ourselves using vegetables (very strange I know), and we said if people sent them in we'd put them up so we could guess who created them. Have a look at the pictures and see if you can work out who the artists are. 

Slide Show 



Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units 
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor

(I always put the PE first because it is live at 9 am. If you want to do it at a different time so that your breakfast doesn't get jiggled up in your belly then feel free). 

The Joe Wick's workouts are getting very tough now so well done if you are sticking with it, you will definitely be getting fitter!


Year 3

For our maths we will continue with our graph work. Yesterday we looked at things we could get from a bakery and it made me really hungry!
Today we are looking at some sports instead.

Slide Show 
     Wow! Those scales are getting trickier every day! They go up in 10s now!!! How can we crack this one?
It might be easier now to use a ruler to help you read the scale (the numbers down the side). If you put the ruler at the top of the bar you can use it to help you read across, you could even draw a neat line to help you (this would be better in your book though, don't draw a line on the computer screen!  cheeky) . Make sure it is level though , if it is wonky it won't work. 
It can be quite hard to read all of the little lines, so make sure you are looking super carefully!

Now it is time to work in our books. Please date your work and be extra careful with the spellings, especially with
spahhettti,  spgghetti,    spagghetty (the wiggly pasta stuff - I bet your spelling is better than minewink). 


Slide Show 

 Year 4

Today we will carry on with co-ordinates and position. I've put up the Maths No Problem pages for you first and then there is a challenge for you at the bottom (Submarine group, you can go straight to that if you want). It was lovely to hear that lots of you are enjoying the co-ordinates work, it is one of my favourites too!).

Quick note - we didn't mention yesterday, but when you write co-ordinates the numbers go in brackets, so it is (3,5), 
not 3,5 . This makes them easier to read when there are lots of them. 

2,3,4,5,6,7, is really hard to read, (2,3), (4, 5), (6, 7) is easy. 

Slide Show 

The guided practice today could be tricky because you need square paper, if you still have some left in your orange book you got ages ago then you could use that, if not it might be easier to go straight to your worksheets today. 



Challenge sheet






This week one of our afternoon projects has been to make a board game, and today's English is linked to that (don't worry if you haven't finished your game though, you could always choose a different item instead).

Today I would like you to design and create an advert for your game that makes people want to buy it, or if you wanted you could do it about anything else that you wanted. There are some slides below to explain a bit more.

Slide Show 

So... you will need to think about how you will make your game sound as good as possible. On the slideshow there were lots of things you could include, but not all of the ideas would work for a game. Your game might make better at maths if it needs lots of counting and working out scores so you could say it makes you really clever, but it wouldn't make you better looking (I play lots of board games and it hasn't made me better looking yet anyway !crying)

Below is a sheet to give you some ideas. The ones that work best are the ones that say why it makes you better at something. For example, if you just write that "It makes you clever" it sounds strange, but if you said " This game will help you become a maths genius by using your times tables and counting skills to beat your friends and win the prize", it makes a bit more sense. 


Afternoon tasks.

This week we have had some pretty big projects to do so I would like you to use the afternoon to catch up with anything that you need a bit more time on. You might need to finish your game, or you might want to spend a bit more time on your portrait from yesterday. The advert is a big project too so maybe you need a bit longer to colour it in and finish it off. 

If you have managed to get everything done then you can go on SumDog if you can log on, or else there is Reading Plus or RockStar maths.
Don't forget to work on your spellings and do your half an hour of daily reading too!

Have a great day, 

Mr G


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