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Monday 11th May

10 May 2020

Hi Class 3!

I hope you enjoyed the long week and the VE Day celebrations. If you have any pictures you would like to share of your tea parties or celebrations then if you send them to me I can put them on the website. It is always lovely to see what everyone has been up to. I also hope that you enjoyed your activities on Thursday and thinking about what VE day means. 

Time to get on with our day...


Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units 
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor

(I always put the PE first because it is live at 9 am. If you want to do it at a different time so that your breakfast doesn't get jiggled up in your belly then feel free). 


Year 3

Slide Show 
     Could you make any questions up about the graph? It could be how many people like mystery books, or how many more people like comic books than science fiction? How would you work out the answer?

     You might notice something about the numbers (the scale). What does it go up in now? How would you work out the answer if the bar ends between two numbers?

After you have finished your work don't forget to mark it neatly.
Slide Show 

 Year 4

Today we are going to move on to a new topic and look at position.  This is the first lesson we have done on position so I would like all of the year 4s to do the same so that we are all ok with the main ideas before we move on. If you don't have a Maths No Problem book then I have put a copy of the question pages for you below, just before the answer sheets. The information you need to answer the questions isn't always on the question sheet so I've not put them up as a slideshow to make it easier for you to see. You've probably also noticed that we have jumped around in the book so please check your wookbook pages carefully. 

Slide Show 
     It is hard to tell where the fly is when there is no grid so he has guessed how far it is from the walls to help him (his bedroom must be huge too looking at the measurments he has used!).
     Here some children have tried to explain how Charles has worked it out, what do you think of their ideas?
     Do you agree with the girl at the bottom? Why?






Here are your answers. 

Slide Show 


Yr 3

Hopefully you all have a shiny and new (well maybe not shiny) learning pack from Miss Blake. I would like you to get your learning pack and find the page that looks like this if you are a year 3, please. You need to think of some new "Thingies" and describe what they look like using some really good adjectives. I would like you to think of the best describing words you can and then draw your "Thingy" too that so it matches the description. There is an adjective mat underneath to help you pick some great words (be careful on your spelling though!). 

I can't wait to see them!





  -Adjective mat.pdf-  

Year 4

Hopefully in your pack you should have the sheet below...



 I would like you to think of some great verbs that you could use to say what is happening. Try to think of some really exciting ones that would make the reader want to read your sheet. As always, I know how much you lot love a challenge so bonus points if you want to add more detail, for example, "The hideous monster stalked silently out of the cold, dark cave". Also, please be careful with your spelling on this one, especially if you are using new words from the word mat.

I've put a word mat below to help you in case you need any ideas. Not all of the words on the word mat might fit with the sentences properly though, so if you are not sure of the meaning you could look the word up or ask a grown-up. 



Afternoon activities. 

If you have not already managed to squeeze in your half an hour of reading then please do it this afternoon. Later in the week we will do another book review in English so it would be good to start thinking about the characters and story in your book before we get to the reviews. 

A project for the week!

During lockdown I have found that I have been playing lots of board games at home and really enjoying them. I also found that sometimes we change the rules a little bit to make the game different or more interesting (I'm not cheating, honest!), so then I thought... what if I created a whole new board game?!

Your project for the week ,if you want to have a go, is to see if you could make your own game. It might be easier to think of a game you know and see if you can use that to help you. You could change the theme and make it about something you really like, such as animals, sports, books whatever! Maybe you will include some cards in your game that send you forwards or backwards, or maybe you will roll a dice or spinner to move, or maybe you won't have any of these and will think of something completely different. You all have much better imaginations than me!

You will need to make the board and the pieces, and also make sure that you have some rules. I've put some things below to help you get some ideas. This could be a big project so you have as long as you need this week. If you finish or want a change I'll put some other activities that you could do instead, I'll let you choose. Have fun and I can't wait to see the results! 

Slide Show 


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