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Wednesday 6th May

05 May 2020

Hi Class 3,
Well done with your yummy menus yesterday, they sounded delicious! I don't think I've ever felt as hungry as I did reading those yesterday!!! I think we have a few buddy chefs in our class. I was really impressed with the presentation as well and the extra effort people are going to, well done. Bonus points too to everyone who went back and checked their spellings - you are stars!

Slide Show 


First, PE. 

Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units 
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor


It is always good to break things up once a week and do something different in our maths, so today I have got some challenges for you to have a look at at. Some of these will be more tricky than others, and I've put them on roughly in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest (these all use different parts of your maths brain though, so feel free to have a go at any you fancy as you might not agree with the order I have put them in, you might find different ones easy or tricky).

I would like you to do about 10-15 mins on Rockstar maths to keep your tables going, and then finish off with a soundcheck, please. After that spend about 20 -30 minutes on some of the games below. It is up to you which ones you want to look at, but try to find ones that you think challenge you (if you want to do more then feel free!).

Part of the fun of these is working out how to get the answers, and you will need to record your findings in a neat, logical way.

If you want to email me your answers I'll pick some neat and well presented ones and put them on the website for you to check your answers against tomorrow. 

Some people like to print out the work so I've put up each activity as a PDF too. 



For this one it is much easier if you draw the blocks out and then go through the different combinations one at a time and write them down. 



Like with the first problem, if you draw this it will be much easier. 

  -Wag worm.pdf-  


Again (you might spot a pattern!) drawing your shapes neatly will make it easier. 



Some of you might have seen this before, it is a great problem. I wonder if you could go a step further and use this idea to make your own puzzle up? Try to make up your own version and see if it works. We could put your version on the website tomorrow as a bonus challenge (if you want to do that please remember to double check your answers to make sure it works though).



For this one you will need to check with a grown up because everyone's will be different. 

Have fun and I hope you enjoy something a bit different. smiley


We are going to link our English in with our VE day celebrations today. I would like to you work on your handwriting today and copy out the recipe below, making sure that you use super neat, joined up handwriting. The recipe I have picked is a war-time one that people would have made around the time of the first VE day. Maybe you want to research and find your own recipe to do instead. You could even decorate it with flags if you wanted.

Please make sure that you look at the spellings on the sheet very carefully, and take your time with your joined up writing. 

  -Crumble recipe.pdf-  


I wonder if the crumble would look as yummy as this one the boys are making?


Afternoon activities. 

In keeping with our VE day and war time theme we have to do some code breaking. Below is a secret code that you have to crack and then try and use yourselves. This is a real way of communicating and has been used for many years - it is like an older version of texting (and before you say it no, I'm not old enough to use this to text!).

See if you can be a top agent and solve the problems below... 

After you have cracked the code please remember to do your half an hour of daily reading and to go through your spellings. 

Have a great day, code breakers.

-- .-.  --.

  -Morse code.pdf-  
Slide Show 

  Don't worry about the part where it says make a circuit, but you could try it with a torch when it gets dark.
Try to write your own message to send and see if you can use the code like a real spy too. 



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