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Monday 4th May

03 May 2020

Hi Class 3 , I hope you had a great weekend.

Thank you for all of the amazing art work you sent me, it was stunning! I've put it in a slideshow below. You really have used the style of the artist brilliantly! 

Slide Show 


Thank you too for sending me the pictures of what else you have been up to during lockdown. I'll be putting those on a page on the website this afternoon to give you a bit more chance to send me anything that you would like to go on.

Right, on with the morning! 

First, PE. 

Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go! There's a link to Joe Wicks or our Real PE units 
Real p.e username:
password: grewelthor


Hi today we will have two different topics to look at. Year 3 will be looking at graphs and year 4 will be carrying on with their symmetry work.

Year 3

You might need to jump about a bit in your book to find the right pages, we don't alway follow the order of the book, but I'm sure clever people like you lot will find them easily. 

Slide Show 
     For a tally chart you use one line for one thing. Why have some of them got lines going across though? That's right, it is to show it is a block of five and to make it easier to count. 
     Did you manage to think of either of these?
     To do the question you'll need to flip between slides, sorry! 

For this you will need to draw the circles, not the people. Each circle is TWO people so be careful. How would you draw one person?

Hint - If two people are one circle, one person would be half a circle (and that person's name would be Arthur - bad joke I know!). 


 Hopefully you managed that ok, and now go to page 61 -64

When you fill in the sheets be very careful. The book will try and trick you, sometimes the picture means one thing, sometimes it means two so watch out!

Four pages sounds like a lot but it wasn't too bad I hope. Here are your answers...

Slide Show 

 Year 4 

Today you will be carrying on with your symmetry. Hopefully you will have a sheet or two of square paper left in your maths book, it would be really useful to use that for the first section. Submarine group can you do the same please and write your answers in you squared maths books (hopefully I'll put all of the pages up today too, I missed a couple on Friday, oops!).

Slide Show 
For this one look at the shape and see if you can draw a symmetrical copy of it (for this we are using reflectional symmetry just in case you were wondering). There is more than one way and I think you might be surprised at some of the answers on the next slide .

     How many of these did you manage to think of? I must admit, I missed a couple of these. 

These are the question sheets if you don't have them.

Please be really careful with your drawing and use a ruler if you have one. 

Slide Show 

 And..... here are the answers.

Slide Show 


 For our English we are going to have a little re-cap of our punctuation to make sure we don't forget anything. This is also a good oppurtunity to work on your handwriting and making sure your presentation is lovely.

Hopefully you should have a sheet which looks like one of the two below. If you don't have it then have a look at the sheets and see which one you think is the right challenge for you. Read the sheet carefully and have a very close look at the sentences. You always need capital letters at the start of a sentence, and also for names. Watch out if you have the second sheet because there will be some speech punctuation too (and be especially careful because you will need full stops in the middle of some of these to break them in to two sentences. 

PDF in case you need to print out

  -Correct the sentences.pdf-  





 After you have finished the sheets, please do your half an hour of reading for the day. 

I'll also put your spellings up on a second webpage for you to look at. 

Afternoon activities

This week is a very special week and builds up to very important day on Friday. There will be some celebrations across the country this week to remember the end of World War 2 (WW2) in Europe. This week will be doing some activities linked to that each day. 

Today I would like you to design a medal for the very brave soldiers who fought in the war. There is a sheet below to give you some ideas and help you. If you wanted you could even make your medal by cutting out some cardboard and covering it in foil. This would make it very tricky to draw on though so you might want to use white card if you have any and then you can colour it that way. It is up to you and your imagination though. Have fun and I can't wait to see the results!

  -Medal pdf.pdf-  



Have a great afternoon, 

Mr G


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