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Monday 20th April

19 Apr 2020

Hello Class 3 , I hope you had a great Easter and ate lots of delicious eggs. I can't believe those two weeks have gone so quickly, they have flown by! After two weeks I bet you're all ready to go and get back to work aren't you! cheeky


Hopefully Miss Blake came to see you and drop off your Maths No Problem books over the holidays. From now on we will be working in your books just like we would do in school. Don't forget to keep them neat and tidy and date your work too. If you have a blue pen at home please mark your work in blue with a grown up if you can, but if not don't worry. 

Each day I'll put up some pictures from the book to help you and then it's your turn to write the answers in your workbook, just like being back at school. yes. Some people might be doing the "Submarine" sheets like they would do in class, and hopefully you got these from Miss Blake too. If you need a quick reminder about the types of angles then just check out the Year 4 slides from Maths No Problem below and it should jog your memory. If you are doing the Submarine sheets then please do the part called ..."Part 1" (it took me ages to think of that name wink). The answers for these questions will be after the year 4 slides. 

The first set of slides are for the year 3.




Hopefully you'll have noticed that to make an angle the lines need to be straight and meet at a point. They can be big (obtuse) or they can be small (acute).

Next I'd like you to complete pages 135 - 138 in your workbook. 

I've put the answers below to help you check your work when you have finished. 





 Sometimes people get confused about D. Some people say it has a right angle where the lines meet in the corners. I think it depends if you see the top and bottom as being straight lines and then a curve, or the curve going all of the way around to meet the straight part. Maybe talk this through with your grown- up, what do you think?

The next set of slides are for the year 4s. 


 In case you have forgotten some of the names, each angle is shown below. This first part was just to see if you had remembered any so don't worry if you hadn't, it has been a while since we did these. 

 If you want to make your own right angle checker then you could use the corner of a post-it note, or you could use the corner of a piece of paper. 


Next, please complete pages 121 and 122. I've put the answers below so you can check your work. Don't worry if you don't have any colours, you could maybe use a code instead and write a next to the acute angles, ra next to the right angles and j next to the obtuse ones (only joking, writing o would be a much better idea wink).



  -Answers - Identify Angles.pdf-  



Phew that was a lot of slides to get through! 

Hopefully you should have a sheet in your English pack called " As Pretty As A Picture" (if you don't then you hopefully still have one or two bits left from the one you got before the holidays. In that case please do one of the "Writing Prompt" tasks - you know who you are those people yeswink).

If you are doing the "Pretty As A Picture" sheet then please follow the instructions and complete the task. Don't forgot to write neatly with the correct punctuation and don't forget to use some great describing words (adjectives) and bonus points for remembering fronted adverbials too.



Final task!


Mrs Hickingbotham has discovered a new musical website and wants us to try to become familiar with it. It's called Charanga. Please click this link
If you look along the left hand side, you'll see a button for pupil and teacher login. Click it. The middle box is for student logins and your logins are the same as for purplemash except they have a 1 after it. Passwords are the same as your purple mash account too.
Here's what she'd like you to do on Charanga today.


Day 1 –

Go to and Log into Charanga Yumu. Click on Assignments then Mamma Mia – Step 1

On the right hand side you will see 4 activities that you will be doing each day this week. Today click on the first activity ‘Listen and Appraise – Mamma Mia’

Do you like the song? What can you hear? What is the style of the music?  Does it sound like anything else you have listened to? How is the song put together – does it have an Intro, Chorus, Verses etc?

Click on ‘About the song’ to find out more the group ABBA.

Well done for getting through all of your work today and have a great day. 

Mr Gamble

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